How can I deal with such a sudden death?

My hubby collapsed & the police who came to inform me asked about his recent health & whether he been attending the doctor.
He hadn’t , so it had to be classed as a suspicious death and therefore a PM had to be carried out.
I don’t like the word “autopsy” - it sounds sinister.

G. X


My husband died suddenly October 2021 we went on holiday in september and within 2 weeks he died no one can ever prepare you for such grief. We were married for 24 years but been together for 30 years
You never get over it but learn to live with it and i take baby steps every day that all you can do.
They say time a great healer it may be but it certaintly dosnt feel like it yet


Time being a healer is an awful saying.
Time makes thing easier & more manageable -
Small steps as you say, & you do accept & adjust.

Take care…
G. X


I have just read all of the posts and I am just sitting here in tears as I realise I am not alone.
Sudden death is such a shock. No warning. No goodbye’s. Just gone forever.
People just don’t understand unless they have had the same experience.
It has been 15 weeks since I found my partner of 17 years in his chair very early one morning. He had got up in the night, sat in his chair and passed away. I administered CPR but I knew deep down that he had gone. I have been told the cause will be known in 4/5 months. Whatever the cause nothing will bring him back.
I don’t know who I am anymore. I am no longer in that safe world of ‘WE’ I am now an ‘I’ alone and empty. Everything is as it was here but my other half is missing. Along with life as I knew it. The rollercoaster of emotions is endless, gut wrenching. How can I explain that to my family, with their busy lives. He has gone and taken part of me with him.
Thank you for reading x


I can feel your pain, I too lost my life partner, to sudden heart attack, 22/4/22 , we had been together for 50 years married 43, one day at a time, sit with the dreadful emotions, keep talking on this site xx


Oh, how I understand. Same happened to me. My husband was only 57,fit and healthy, all of a sudden he was gone, in a matter of minutes. Seemed like indigestion, oh how I wish we had rushed to hospital at the first signs of pain, but he said it was his stomach, who would have thought?


Hello Solost, sorry for your loss, I know how you feel. My brother died of a heart attack in February this year at the age of 74. He had no heart problem until that day. - It was a cold day and we did get a food delivery. It all started when he carried a box with food into his house. He only said that he had underestimated the weight of the box. Few minutes later, he was storing some dog (fox) food and water in the garage, he complained that his chest infection was returning. Later, when he was watching TV, first his right arm started to hurt and the the left one, but, he did not want to go to hospital. Few minutes later he did have a heart attack. All attempts to revive him failed. The paramedics told me, if I had called 999, he just would have died in the ambulance. This was later confirmed by the medical coroner. I was also told that there was a lot of blood between the heart and the heart sack. He had no chance. - Sometimes, there is just nothing one can do. - Nick


Hi @Nick22, thank you for your reply, and I’m so sorry for your brother. It’s is so hard to overcome a shock like this, especially when the symptoms are so confusing, in fact, my husband had said that afternoon, that he felt pain around his chin., and the upper part of his neck. He thought it was just aching muscles due to the position he had been in while watching TV, lying down on the sofa. Yes, the paramedics did say that even if they’d arrived earlier, it wouldn’t have made any difference.
Take care.


n=my husband did not have a post motem either

So sad. The ‘chest infection’ : did your brother have a productive cough that was worse after exertion and on lying down? That can be a symptom of a struggling heart due to a blocked artery. My dad had that for 3 years, and his symptoms were never diagnosed despite multiple trips to the GP surgery (he never got to see a GP, only a 'trainee clinical practitioner :rage:).

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Hello Burgled,

my brother’s cough was some time before his death and I cannot remember him talking about it except after picking up the big box that day. (My brother never complained.)

It makes sense what you wrote about a struggling heart due to a blocked artery.

How is that possible not to be able to see a GP. I doubt that a trainee clinical practitioner is qualified enough to make decisions like that. It makes me angry. - I think the GP should lose his license for that.

Take care Burgled and thanks for writing to me.


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Yes, it happened to me, (twice). The first time was 20 years ago, my fit husband died. He was 55, I was 48. It was Sudden Adult Death due to cardiac arrest.
I met and married again. He was also fit and well, had a cardiac arrest whilst asleep next to me in bed. I did CPR for 15 minutes until help arrived. I thought he was going to survive as they got his heart started. He never came out of the coma and died in hospital. That was 9 weeks ago.
I can tell you that it got better enough last time that I remarried after about 4 years. I have to admit that I am still reeling in shock right now.
Wishing you love and strength. Xx

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