How do you all cope

Hi that sounds like a good night . I love music . Listen all the time to music even though some songs hit me hard . And a couple of months ago I started singing again to music . What I did all the time before hubby died . But couldn’t after he died . But I have found my singing voice again . Even though it is very bad . Hope you enjoy the night best you can xtake carex

You have found your singing voice that’s good.
I felt guilty the first time I did it but now I belt them out - Hubby will be rolling his eyes at the racket.
G. X

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Hi yes mine would as well xtake care x

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Hi almost eleven months since my world fell apart . I really don’t understand how I have managed this long . It has been a hard a very hard struggle . I have seen all the different seasons and each one brought more sadness , thinking of the happy time in my life . When Chris was always with me . I have noticed the last few nights that it is getting darker earlier . So we will soon have long dark lonely nights . But are the long days any better . Trying to find things to do . That I have no interest in anymore . It all seems so pointless and exhausting . And always thinking why has this happened to us . All we wanted was to grow old together , and to be as happy as we were always .thinking of you all xtake carex


Broken 2222 nearly 7 months for me and i was thinking the same long winter nights and to add to my misery one of my cats was killed today xx


So sorry to here about your cat . Heartbreak on top of heartbreak . You must be so upset . And without your parted to comfort you . Sending a big hug . It seems like everything is against us . We try to be strong and positive . Then there’s always something to bring us back to the feeling of hurt and sadness and devastation . Thinking of you . Sending love . Xtake carex

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Broken 2222 yes very upset luckily my son came and buried him for me its things like this that sets me back to square one being dependant on others when for the last 40 years i had alan xx


Hi yes it’s everything about our husbands we miss . They were always there for us . No matter what . Glad your son came to help you . But I know how hard each and every day is . Xtake carex

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Hi Modium, sorry for the loss of you husband and your cat. - My brother’s cat Tommy died beginning of December 2021 and it did hit my brother very hard. Every morning, he would go outside to say good morning to Tommy. My brother suffered a lot. In mid February, my brother died of a sudden and unexpected heart attack. (Bad things often come in threes.) My brother’s cat Jack died in the early hours of the second of August. - I nearly was the number 4. I did end up in hospital on the 20th of July. They had to remove a 60cm piece on my intestines. It had died and no one had an explanation why. (Just guesses.) After the operation I was told, if the operation had been delayed by an hour, I would have died. - (Well, my neighbour save my life. She called 999 that morning but the waiting list was 22 hours. She then called 111 but the waiting list was 10 hours. She drove me the my doctor who did examine me straight away and wrote a letter for the hospital, and, my neighbour drove me there. - I was very lucky.)

  • So, take good care of your self and try not to delay anything important.

Nick 22 its all so sad sorry about the loss of your brother and the cats im glad you have a good neighbour who got you to the hospital in time i console myself that my cat is with alan along with other pets we lost over the years takecare

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