My heart goes out to you, I just wish that all of us who have this terrible pain could all meet up and share our feelings together. I do hope you have family and friends near you to be of some comfort. I’m mostly on my own and the loneliness is very depressing. You’re in my thoughts.XX
I’m also mostly on my own, this site has some caring souls on it that helps to know that your not alone.
You are so right , people are so kind and caring, it helps to know I’m not the only one, but the pain I feel through being alone and lonely is I suppose the same for all of us. We need the nightmare to end. XX
My darling husband died 10 weeks ago i feel the loneliness everyday, doingvthe 1st of eveything without him brings everything back but i know it will get easier.dont hold back on your tears let them out.
My darling husband died 11 weeks ago to cancer, i had 4 weeks with him from the diagnosis.
I understand how you feel, just wanted to let you know that your not alone
Never stop the tears ,they are like a release valve for your emotions and it helps.
My husband died just before Christmas and I am finding it hard. He had chemo and radiotherapy and we thought it had worked. Scans weren’t due till mid and late December. We were abroad and he didn’t feel very well but had been told to expect this as after effects of treatment “ he would feel worse before he felt better”.
Long story short we went to hospital on our return and he was admitted. Blood tests and scans showed poor liver and kidney function and he was given weeks. 5 days later he was gone. I cannot get my head round it at all
I lost my husband the same way, he had chemotherapy we went to Scotland his happy place for 2 weeks so he could recoup after finishing chemo, got back for scan results only to be told chemo didnt work, he was to fraile for anymore and was given weeks, he sadly passed away 2 weeks was a shock how little time we had left.
I wish I could make everyone feel better. My husbaoooooond died before Christmas, we didn’t know how ill he was. He was given a few weeks to live, but passed away one week later. I’ve every emotion under the sun, my head’s so mixed up I can’t think straight about anything, sorry I’ve nothing positive to say. My love and thoughts are with all of you. XX
That must have been devastating, I’m so sorry.
I’m wishing you find strength and comfort, this is such a horrible place we all find ourselves in.
Totally how I feel. I am fine if I don’t think about it…… it’s like I’m watching someone else. And then it hits me. All the plans we had are no longer going to happen. Feel so sad for him
Thank you Flower and Flo for your kind and understanding comments. Hoping everyone has a good peaceful sleep. XX
Hi Lurton, I can relate to exactly how you feel. My husband passed away in January 2024, and it has not got any easier for me. I don’t feel as though it ever will.
I felt myself counting the days to the 1st anniversary of his death. The day came and it was very hard for me.
Like you, I miss my husband, we were married for 27 years and had been together for 34, so virtually all my adult life.
Now I feel totally lost without him and empty. I don’t know what to do with myself or how to make a life of my own, as he was my life. I don’t know what I am meant to do without him now.
I find it hard to talk to my family as I don’t want to burden them and I don’t think anyone can really understand what it feels like to lose your husband/partner, as it is different to losing anyone else, as you spend your life with your partner day in day out. When they are not there, what do you do.
I find I totally lack motivation, I can’t even be bothered to clean the house. I just don’t see the point of anything anymore.
Believe me Isabel I know exactly how you feel and it’s the worst feeling imaginable. I’ve become so lethargic and not interested in anything, like you housework , cooking, etc, even having my shower is a real chore. On this forum we’re all going through this and everyone is so kind with their words, it gives me great comfort to know I’m not alone and hope it helps you. XX
Thank you Patsy.
Reading all these posts makes me so sad, that the tears start to flow.
Life just seems so cruel. I start to think about the purpose of life and I can’t find an answer. I think about will I get to be with my husband one day when I pass.
What happens after death, do we unite with our loved one in heaven.
I sat with my husband during the night before he passed at 5am. At 2.30am I heard classical music playing in the distance. He was at a nursing home and I know there was no music playing at that time of the night at the home.
It makes me believe that he was dying and the music was from heaven and they were calling him.
People don’t believe me that I heard the music, they say it is just in my head, but I know I heard it. This is what makes me think and believe in heaven now.
Hi Isabel, I do believe you about the lovely music. You will meet your husband in Heaven, I say this as I believe you have a strong faith, you don’t need to be a regular Church goer or attend at all to have that faith, He’s waiting for you. I loved my husband very much, we were together a long time. There were many many times that he was very cruel and extremely nasty to me . In the last four years of his life he became a nd I hope to join him. Like you my heart is broken the emptiness is awful, (nice person and I believe he’s in Heaven and hope I’ll meet him again one day) that’s the bit I missed above, sorry hope you’re understanding this. My husband died before Christmas, very suddenly a week after being told he had terminal cancer. I miss him so much, I want to get doing the boring thing s again like the ironing and housework, then I might start to feel a " normal ". I wish I could be more positive. Hopefully you, me and all the others get comfort from this forum. You are in my thoughts Isabel.xx
Im really struggling today i just can’t stop crying. I think i have tried too hard this week to get back to work and now im at home its too quiet.
I know its only been 7 weeks since i lost my partner but i needed something to do as i was spending each day without any purpose. Does anyone understand or am i just crazy?
So sorry to hear about your loss sending you lots of hugs❤️
Thank you Patsy. It is great to be on this forum, as we are all going through the same thing and can relate to how we are feeling.
Just being able to open up and say how I feel is a relief, as I know no one is going to judge me as I know that others on the forum understand.
It is such a shame that there are not any grief groups near where I live as it would be great to be able to meet up with people face to face and to talk freely. xx
Hey Lumrt, don’t be hard on yourself. Let the tears flow, it is only natural to grieve.
You are not going crazy, I know how you feel.
I have recently tried doing some online jigsaw puzzles which has kept my mind occupied for a while.
I have also looked for series online which I could watch and immerse myself into.
So far I have watched all Series of Suits on BBC IPlayer which I thought was brilliant.
I am currently watching Hart of Dixie on ITV Player, which I can also recommend.
Perhaps you could try something like that.
Take one day at a time and don’t worry about feeling sad or wanting to cry. Let your feelings out and talk to us here on the forum if it helps you. Thinking of you Lumrt. xx