How to live alone after loosing my partner of 13 years

Yeah I think I will be raising my glass to him on my birthday and Valentine’s Day too as they are very close together and yes I will give you a message tomorrow to have a chat


So sorry for your loss.
I am 9 months in, still feeling so lost and empty.
What helps me each day is talking to my angel morning afternoon and night about everything every move I make as if he was still around.
Could try if you wish - might help :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Take care x


That’s what I do talk to Tina photo in my hand what I’m going to try to to do day. And at night what I did do 7weeks with out my tina my best friend my one and only an now my angel watching everything I’m doing I hope I’m doing well babes I am trying really am 23 years together an now on me own lost babes to say the least xx

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I have been talking to him when I can each day and hope for some more signs to happen so I know he is around me and looking out for me and wants me to know he is there with me xxx


Can’t move tina stuff the bathroom draws clothes all the same as tina put them .just can’t yet just cant


Yeah I have moved some of the bath room things into the vacuum storage bag and I have kept them as I kept seeing these things for a while but now the clothes and wardrobe is exactly the same way


I lost my wife over 18months ago after almost 60 years together. It’s lonely in the house we shared. But I decided to try and get out and make a new life. The APP called MEETUP is useful and you may find something to interest. Also rather than having silence I set up Alexa to talk to and play some music. May help, but it’s still lonely.


i have Brians ashes in an urn of the planet saturn. he loved space🥰i talk to him everyday and i have feathers come down
I also have some ashes in a charm on my bracelet so he is always with me
Im doing well after 18 months and thankful for having been loved for 18 years


I just had my keyrings turn up to put some of Kieron’s ashes in. He is in a scatter tube with a single dove on it.
I talk to him. I moan to him.

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I just lost mine after 26years, today I feel like I want to be gone it has been 3 months impossible to tell how any of us will ever get used to it just got to take each day as it comes and hope to get stronger


Been 7 weeks tina was taken never two days the same be strong most of us are trying


same here !


It’s the hardest and worst experience of my life . 40 yrs of marriage. I’ve stopped calling it home I say house.
Living alone is painful. I am considering a dog at some point when I am in a better state of mind.


So sorry for your loss.
Take care & big hugs


It is the hardest and worst experience to lose our love ones :broken_heart:
Living alone is not something you would wish for anyone - it’s sad, empty, painful, lonely and horrendous :sob: something that we’re never going to get used to :sob:


Yeh i know feeling … it is a house and i had to got a puppy within a few months of him passing ! I couldn’t stand the silence … best thing i ever did xx


Thankyou 7 weeks 0010 Thursday every Thursday I can’t sleep Fri sat a sun the same hurts like us all hurts x


It’s hard isn’t it. I understand how you feel. 9 months in and I still can’t sleep!
Please take good care of yourself x


I will try same right back to you. Music on see if I can just fall asleep x night all


Hope you all had a good night sleep I was up since 4 a.m. :sob:

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