Hurting so much with out you.

@Mikeb sorry Mike you have me in tears. At least I had 8 days with my Sue holding her hand she knew every now and again she gave me a tiny squeeze of my hand , she fought so hard every breath was a labour this was Jan 2023 I never left her for 8 weeks she passed on the 15 Jan at 2.45 p.m sorry Dave in Liverpool

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Im really glad you had that time with Sue. She know you was there.
Thats the good thing if any i had just over 4 hours with tre. She feel aseep for 20 minutes with me lying down with her. That was the first bit of sleep she had had for over a week. Her 3 children got to spend a little time with her too. Witch i was so gartfull for. But when i first got there i was in so my shock seeing the way she was i didn’t want to facetime her. But they come up to the hospital even though they was told not to by the hospital. But tres sister works there as a nurse and called to allow them to come in to spend some time with her.
Tre was so aware, as when the kids was there i went to the loo i had only got to the one in the room but she started calling out for me the kids and i by calling had to reassure her that hadn’t gone far. But the kids left after about 3 hours. And within about 10 minutes she started to go. She closed her eyes in my arms asking for someone to help her…
I couldn’t do anything apart from hold her and kiss her. Let her know it was ok to go.


@Mikeb so sorry to read that Mike
. For 8 days my Sue. No the first 4 days my Sue kept asking me to take her out for a smoke
but she was wired to so many machines she could not move then her blood vains collapsed so everything had to be put by a tube into her stomach, morphine,sodium valporate ect then she went into a coma. But i knew she was aware of me being there holding her hand while she fought for every breath that lasted four days then on the 15 Jan she just stopped breathing no sound no jerks no movment I was still holding her hand sitting next to the bed in a private room I knew, and my tears came has they have now. I just held her as she left our world. I Don’t know for how long a good while no bells or alarms just a sign over her bed saying DO NOT RESUSCITATE in bold letters. I went and found the palliative nurse and she confirmed it my Sue was gone. I am so sorry about the mannor of your Sue’s passing I know if our Sue’s if they had meet would have been Friends for life take care mate all the best Dave Jones in Liverpool


So sad … that last bit is just the worse ! I have flashbacks about how horrible it was seeing him go … i didnt want him to go ! I loved hin so much :frowning:


Both myself and our daughter were with my husband day and night for the 3, or was it 4, weeks he was in hospital. On the last night, 11th February 2023, my daughter played him a meditation from her phone of a lovely Scottish lady walking through a park. At this point I said that I needed to go to the toilet. When I came back all hell had broken out and then the nurse turned to me and said “He’s gone”. I screamed, collapsed and my daughter said afterwards she didn’t know what was worse seeing her wonderful Dad go or me when I collapsed as the bottom had just fallen out of my world. It’s been so hard and because we saw him constantly those last weeks in hospital where he didn’t look anything like the person we knew and loved (he’d lost a huge amount of weight due to the aggressive cancer that appeared after he’d been in hospital a week). We try so much to remember the person he was, but it’s difficult but for his life celebration (don’t like the term funeral) we made a book for people to write in and had lots of pictures of him for people to see. The pictures help to remind us who he was but the pain will take a long time to go so I fully understand how people here are feeling. We just have to keep going even though some days it seems almost impossible.


Yeh i screamed too when i realised he was about to go ! I couldn’t take it ! Its cos we loved them isnt it ! I didnt realise that you can still carry on loving them after they had gone though … i still love him :slight_smile: im glad i loved him ! I was very lucky to have him :heart: god bless all our partners hey ! God bless them :pray:


I felt the same when i knew my husband was about to go it felt like my whole life was falling apart and there was nothing i could do and screamed at my husband please do not leave me and like you i still love him so much


We were together for almost 44 years so it’s left a really huge, gaping hole. As he seemed to get sicker, hospital was rubbish didn’t feed him or give him fluids so he never had a chance, I hugged him and spoke to him continuously, begging him to fight the cancer like he had 20 years before but it was too hard for him as he was so weak. I just have so much trouble trying to come to terms with a life without him. Now we’ve had the funeral thingy people seem to have given up helping me, which makes everything so much worse. Wine helps but it will never fill that hole. It’s so hard to now visualise any real future but I have 2 kids, one of whom is autistic, and 2 grandchildren so need to be brave and keep going for them. My little grand daughter, 5 years old, at the funeral thingy kept crying and when I asked her how she was she sad “I just so sad Nana”!


Aw bless your grsnddaughter ! Yes it makjes them sad too doesn’t it !!! Yes same thing happened to my husband :frowning: he stoppedceatibg snd drinking eventually too and like you ssy they do bog all :frowning: xx