Husband's Clothes: It's Time....

Thats absolutely dreadful what yr brother & sister in law done. Well i hope u r stronger, before they do any more harm.
Be aware of what is happening. As grief cloud’s yr judgment.


Dear @Shazza66 - firstly, I am so sorry that your dad has died - that is hard, I know only too well. You will always, always treasure him and you have his jacket, which will always be so special. I find myself wearing my husband’s clothes and coats - it is comforting. It is such a shame that your brother and his family have responded in this way - it makes a very difficult situation ten times worse. I hope that there may be some way that this can be fixed as life is just way too short - but I understand that words have been said that are cruel and hurtful and the pain is very raw. Hold tight to the jacket, my friend and know that on here you have friends who completely understand and are always here for you.


I wear my husband jumpers and wear his coat some times makes me feel close to him


Thank you so much for your kind words xxx
Yes the house is a 3way split me my brother and my sister.
It’s so hard ,I think they are trying to raise a mortgage :crossed_fingers: let’s hope so.
It’s just awful as I will never go back to what was my mum and dad’s house ever again :disappointed:
It’s just too hard .

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I met a woman not long after my hubby passed & she was telling me she kept “an outfit” in the wardrobe of her husband’s. Then gave the rest away.
Ten years after he had passed she realised she hadn’t kept back a pair of trousers for him - she was horrified but she can laugh at it now thinking of him going around without them .

G. X


Yes @Lonely for me it’s the personal possessions I like to have around me. His mobile phone - the brick variety as he didn’t like smartphones :sweat_smile:, is still in his place in the lounge.

Love the story of the lack of trousers @Grandma. :joy:


Like you both @KarenF @Lonely
I too like having my husbands possession around me

His watch next to mine, Aftershave next to my perfume, toothbrush still with mine in holder, phone, iPad, I wear his gold chain, love using his tools to do little jobs…I could go on

For me it feels natural and it would be odd if they weren’t there x


Same here i still have all my husband clothes and other bits of his his my husband and always will be he will always be a part of my life his birthday was on the 8th Jan and i brought a birthday card for him and put it near a photo i have of him

It’s strange isn’t it? Once enough time has gone past, families treasure things from ancestors but I don’t think that is as immediate as children or even grandchildren. Give it another 100 years maybe and future generations would be over the moon to find artefacts from their predecessors.