Husband's Clothes: It's Time....

I so miss my husband to talk things through. We brought a bungalow to do up and now I’m trying to make decisions by myself. It’s so hard. I keep crying :sob:.


I’m exactly like you and I have got rid of very few clothes, only the things his sons wanted. It has been two years but my children say don’t force yourself and if necessary they will have to do it one day. That suits me. We are all so different and have to do what suits us. Love to all on this awful journey.


Me too. We used to sing Blue moon to each other, right from when we first met. Paul loved music, all sorts, we both did, now I’m finding it hard to even put the radio on.

While he was in hospital I played his favourite Cuban music and when his favourite track La engañadora by Rubén González came in he tapped his feet and joined in with the cha cha chas. We played it at the funeral, along with Georgia on my mind and a piece a friend write for Paul about a year before he died.


@Moirarae some great choices.
We made the congregation sit through the theme from Robinson Crusoe, which is 12 minutes long! My older daughter said her Dad had ruined that piece of music for her as he said he wanted it played at his funeral - we had no idea we would need it so soon.


I have still got all my Husband clothes and he passed away 20th oct last year


Sue11. I still have my husbands clothes and he died Aug 5. I am no closer to donating his things than I was then. When will I? Don’t have a clue.
May we be guided by what we want and what gives us some comfort.
Love and peace. Karen


I still have most of my husbands clothes and I’m two years one month in. I have no idea if and when I will be able to dispose of them. My children tell me not worry and about it and if necessary they will do it.


I have no intention of giving my husband clothes away but my son is house sitting for me with his wife and kids and I have no storage for him. I have therefore packed johns stuff away nicely in a trunk and they’ve gone into the loft. His dressing down remains behind the bedroom door and his work coat and shoes in the porch. It makes me feel a little better having some stuff around me and I know he would be happy that I’ve made room for my son and his stuff.

He’ll always be in my heart anyway :heart::heart:



Still got my Husband dressing gown behind the bedroom door and his coats hanging in the hallway


I still have all my husbands clothes


My husband was a big Chelsea fan will never get rid of his Chelsea tops i wore one to his funeral as the entrance music was Blue is the colour i also wear some of his jumpers now the weather is cold it makes me feel as if i am close to him


Hi thanks for your reply. I’ve told my boys they are to go to the BHF when I’m gone. John died in bed beside me after suffering a cardiac arrest caused by undetected heart disease so it makes sense they should have his stuff if it can raise some funds. I also make a donation every Christmas instead of sending Xmas cards - all my family and friends understand.

Much love
Georgina xx


That is extremely hard for u making decisions on yr own, when it was going 2 be a joint thing 2 do,
Try & think what yr husband wld have liked, do that & make him proud & then u can think, we r doing this together.
& make some new memories of him.
& make it how u both wld want it be. X

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That was enough 2 make u swear. & u did make me laugh, instead of being sad.

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I love that. I talk to my husband all the time too. When I go on a walk, I chatter away. After 52 years of marriage and 57 yrs together, when I ask his advice or a question, I know exactly what he would say. Oh my, the price of love is grief, so said Queen Elizabeth.
Peace and love, Karen


I talk to my husband all the time i always say good night love you and some times i tell him about what kind of day i had i have his ashes at home in a Chelsea casket as he loved football and was a big Chelsea fan

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Yes I was married 54 years and together over 57 years and I almost always know hat my husband would say about almost everything. I’m not altogether sure what he would say about the state f the country now. One of the worse things I can’t forget is his last year was marred by the fear of covid and the lockdowns as he died at the end of 2020. I so wish it wasn’t so that he died always worried about covid and what it would do to us with our failing health. Love and hugs to all of us in our bereavement.

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Sue11: I have a morning and bedtime ritual. I say good morning and good night to my husband. I too have his ashes at home, on his dresser next to a beautiful picture of him. Like all of us I don’t have the words to say how much I miss him. It’s been 5 1/2 mos, and I don’t feel I am any further along in this grieving journey than I was then. Peace and Love. Karen


I feel the same just miss him so much the pain and hurt i feel is still the same as the day i lost him and that was 4 months ago


Hi there, I totally get where you are coming from.
I have recently lost my dad. It was very sudden. Myself and my sister are heartbroken. that includes our children too.
My brother and his wife however seem to show no emotion at all ? I get that we all grieve differently. But there was no expression of sadness from their children either. It felt very strange.
My brother and his wife live in my father’s house. We hadn’t even arranged his funeral when they went into his room. Started to bag up all his clothes shoes & nick nacks for charity. I felt they were throwing dad away. Couldn’t wait to get rid of him and throw him in the bin. It really upset me. There has since been a very heated argument with my sister in law. Things were said by her that can never be forgiven , all this happened not 24 hrs after my dad had passed. It’s all very upsetting.
I’m sorry for rambling on, I have managed to save one of my dad’s jackets. Which I will treasure forever. So I completely understand you holding on to your lovely husband’s suit.
Sometimes it’s just the small things that make us happy. Xxx