I am a ghost

That’s how I feel about my wife’s clothes, her purse is still on her table with her money still inside with cards and other personel bits, our children have told to me use the money, but it will feel like I am stealing from her

Yes my husbands wallet is as he left it.
Cards money my picture how can i move that from my memory ut would be likw he didnt exsist and that would be so wrong at this time. He did not want to leave me but somehow it happened.
Survival is now all we have and we need to do it at our own pace
Take care


Take care too, wishing you all the absolute best

@Galaxy75 and @Hawk59 I also have my husbands wallet with money in and can’t spend it because it feels like stealing. It’s ridiculous really as he’d have given me it if I’d wanted it. There’s also just one photo which is of me. I didn’t even know it was there. :frowning::frowning:J x


I’m just past 4 months now. I have good days and bad days - and sometimes my eyes just leak and won’t stop. I too have all his things around the house - the thought of “sorting” them out I don’t even entertain. As autumn comes it feels harder - shorter days, dark evenings………


It’s crazy how our mind works after losing a loved one, I know Norma wouldn’t mind me using it, I have thought of getting a tree with some of the money because of what good is it doing just sitting in the purse


I know it is so hard. Our old radio which we had for years broke down in the Kitchen.My husband said what happened to the radio Christopher had before he got a new stereo unit , I found it in the cupboard and it was still working some how it gives me some comfort.

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I dunno im quite looking forward to autumn winter … i like idea of being in my house all snuggled up really … you can still go out in daylight hours :wink: xx


Me too, it has been a miserable summer for obvious reasons. As Autumn begins it feels like a new beginning. After 16 weeks, still early days but I take any comfort I can.


Yes @Jax2 I am the same I can’t bear to see his things because I know he won’t wear or use them again . I want to start removing some things but my son disagrees so can’t

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Yes its a difficult one but tbf you have to do whats right for you … xx

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@Deb5 it’s a difficult one as he’s still at home with me . He won’t discuss it at all . He said his Nan would keep it hem all and that is insane . They obviously talk about me

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Mmmm … theres a bit of that goes on isnt there ! Everybody else seems to think the know best … just keep in a cupboard if it upsets you seeing his stuff xx

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That’s tough but you have to do what feels right to you

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I have made memory bears with his old t shirts for my 3 children and grandchildren. I have placed a photo of them with their dad in the stuffing so he is always with them. I’ve never made anything like this before, and each one looks better as I feel more confident, its made the long days feel abit shorter.


That is a wonderful idea


That really is such a good idea !!! Xx where do you get pattern from ?

I did the same with my husbands clothes I also put a small amount of his ashes into a plastic bag and put inside so he will always be with them x


Aw … fabulous :wink: so clever xx

@Lin22, love them, you are very talented.