I can’t see a future on my own

I struggle every night and morning. I have her pillows which I hold every morning for a long time. Usually quite wet time I’ve finished. Not had a non emotional day yet. Can’t get tragic scene and concultants words out my head.

You are in shock Jay, your mind isn’t wanting to accept what’s happened and that’s so understandable after what you’ve been through.Shock makes you not think straight and keep going over things, it’s your brain’s way of dealing with it and eventually you’ll
find you ‘re not dwelling on it quite as much. That’s how it’s panned out for me so I hope it will for you too

Thank you. Got no one to talk to as no family. Could not have children so all alone.
Thanks why I appreciate this forum

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Keep posting on here Jay, there’s lots of love going around and you’re never alone on here. Go and smell her lavender tomorrow and cry if you need to, but breathe it in , it can be soothing ,and think of your Allison x

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hi Ann, Lots of empathy for you. I agree with most people you meet it’s not appropriate to share the depths of your grief with them. I don’t say I’m fine though, because I am not, I just say things like ‘Oh you know, up and down’ or ‘just taking one day at a time’ - which feels like it gives me permission to look sad if I feel it and smiling if I am having a better day. I do have a couple of close friends though with whom I can share stuff, people who know about bereavement are the ones to seek out and then if you feel like it, take that risk of opening up a bit more… And it is good to have discovered this community. Hugs to you Ann and take care of yourself. xx