I feel im drowning in grief

Thank you . You make a really good point. May be little point masking the pain . I need to deal with it at some point dont I . It’s just so disabling and crushing at times. People at work don’t get it they just think I’m a drama queen it’s so tough

I wouldn’t rule them out it as working though it is easier said than done as we are all finding :broken_heart::white_heart::broken_heart::white_heart: . I’ve just tried them Previously for something else and they didn’t suit me but you have to do what’s right for you.
They think you are a drama queen?! Omg ! You need support - they obviously haven’t been through this hell . That’s the last thing you are . It’s so so tough xx

Beautiful comforting words . Thank you for taking the time and trouble to help x

I have had nhs assessment it has helped me alot . I see mental health every month . I hate being near people . My friend and her daughter have been helping but I have pushed them away . It save me from hurting anyone by the way I am feeling. I know I will regret it , but I will have to live with it.

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That’s good it has helped . Could you keep talking to people on here to get it out . I know what you mean about pushing people away. They just don’t get it so it’s hard to relate to anyone . A very lonely road . I check on this site a lot so am I happy to talk anytime x

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Hi Sharon, I lost my mum in May 2021, and I am still struggling with the grief. That being said, I remember those early months or my grief well and I remember feeling the intense feelings you have now. I promise you, you will get through this, the love your dad showed you will hold you together. I won’t lie, it’s bloody hard and the months and even years ahead are hard. But communities who understand your grief will help you. I’d also recommend you seek counselling as it really helped get me through those early months. Stay strong… we have to do this for them… those we lost. Because they loved us… they wouldn’t want their passing to destroy us. I know its hard, and I’m still struggling. But we have to keep going… so you be strong for your dad. Take care x

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Honestly i can relate to every single word you have said, i lost my mum from cancer 8 weeks from diagnosis and died unexpectedly after being fine 5 hours earlier. I an struggling so much i just want to be with her. i found out my dad (they we’re still together) has been seeing someone since a month after she died. I will do anything to be with my mum im just so tired of life being like this. I send you so many hugs and love, you are not in this alone xxx

Sorry to hear that. People don’t understand how Iam feeling. They say I will get over it. I don’t want to. I know if I say bye to my mum I know that it I cannot accept that she is gone

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I really understand this feeling x

Me too. I want time to stand still in some ways. Very difficult

@WillOxfordshire . People say you get it over it. But I don’t think I will ever get over it

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I never will either💔 im completely lost in my grief

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@sharon14 I just stay in bed most days . I do not like going outside. I hate being round anyone

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I cant stay in bed but id want to if it wasnt for the kids. But i too just stay indoors, hate seeing people and resent the fact people are getting on with their lives while mine and my families lives are falling apart💔 sending hugs hun

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@sharon14 do you have Apple Music Sharon ?

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no lovely i dont

I have changed 100% too. I used to be such a laugh and loved being out with my friends but since my dad died (still can’t believe it) I only go out with my family - I tried in the summer and had to go home - not there yet at all. I just feel happiest being at home now. My dad was such a social butterfly - he will be tutting at me telling me to get out!! But I can’t. Not yet.

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@sharon14 I found a playlist on there called grief . I enjoy listening to it . It helps a little . Hugs for you Sharon. How is your kids holding up?

@EllieJ sorry for your loss. I also suffer from depression and anxiety . My partner does not know how I am feeling at times. My friend was helping me but I have pushed her away. It’s saves me from being hurt


I will have a look for that playlist thankyou. My kids are in bits especially my middle one who is Autistic and has MH issues💔

@sharon14 sorry to hear about that. Iam waiting to be checked for austim and Iam currently attending mental on Monday. Not looking forward to it. Gojng to tell her that I want to end my life.