I feel im drowning in grief

Same here @EllieJ don’t know who I am anymore. He wouldn’t want me to be so sad . I have taken on my Dad’s allotment ! Can’t actually believe that !

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Isn’t it so strange. It has changed me so much - I’m like half the person I used to be. Dad’s allotment sounds lovely! You just feel really close to him there x

Yes I do.it was heartbreaking at first but now I find it quite healing . His friends are helping me as I wasn’t much of a gardener before .
Hope you are doing ok today xx

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I am off to meet one of my brothers in Brighton for a night. I’m always at my happiest with my brothers. We were all very close to my dad and all with him at the end so they understand completely of course. Hope you are ok today too x

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@Laura8 I used to have an allotment so if you need any advice let me know. I gave mine up as my deperssion is not good and I asked ppl on there to stay away as my anxiety is bad. Do you think they would listen . No

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It really helps being around people who love them I find . I hope you have a nice time x

@Laura8 I do not like being near anyone right now

Oh really yes I would appreciate that .
They didn’t stay away after you asked them not to ?
What did you grow at yours ?
How are you feeling today ? X

@Michael73 no I guess everyone is different and deals with this in their own way . What helps one May not help another .

Hi, sending you hugs and I do know how you’re feeling. It’s less than a week since I lost my wonderful dad, who was my very best friend, and I have such inner panic all the time and dark thoughts too. The loneliness is crushing.

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Its the worst pain isnt it. Im so sorry your going through it too💔Sending much love xx

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Thank you. I haven’t even been able to cry properly yet, it just hurts. It helps knowing there are others who understand, even though it sucks that we all suffer so.


@Laura8 I grew pumpkins. It weighted 100 kilos. Sweet potatoes, carrots , leeks, onions , chillis, strawberry’s, had a plum tree , cherry tree, apple tree, pear tree, herbs, plants and jostaberries , red currants

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@Ulma so sorry for your loss.

My father passed away 7 years ago. My mum was killed august this year. So Iam struggling everyday.


Ah im so very sorry hun xx

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Thanks Sharon . Iam in a very dark place . I got a letter from crown office. They have started the investigation into my mums death. It will take 7-9 months . So not good today

Thank you. And me, for your losses. :heart:

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I know how you are feeling. I lost my Mum a few months ago and its so hard. I am on my own and my siblings haven’t supported me. I feel like I have lost my anchor and often don’t know where to turn.


I know how you feel. I have deperssion and anxiety. My sisters moaned cause I did not attended the funeral. My mum would not have wanted me to feel anxious etc. I got a letter from the crown service as well they have started an investigation into mums death. It has finally hit me my mum is not coming back. I still can’t let it go

18 months ago I found my dad dead on the bathroom floor a healthy man only 64 yrs old. 6 months to the day after that my mum collapsed also only 64. Stage 4 cancer she died 4 months after that. I only had a small family now I only have 2 people left my son and my nan she is 92 with dementia. My son is in uni.
They both lived with me and we were close as close can be.
I’m not going to lie it still hurts like hell but we have to carry on for them none of our missing parents would want us to suffer.
Allow yourself to remember them ignore what people say about doing thing to forget, they were YOUR WORLD. But also remember to live.
I let myself still have a cry every day but I also go to work and get some normality there. I am living in my childhood family home and still have a lot of things around me to sort through but I’m doing it in my time not anyone else’s.
What I’m trying to get at here is don’t feel bad for a life changing event that has only just happened embrace it and do what’s right for you in your own time.
You will get through it but by bit and you will be a stronger better version if yourself that your mum or dad would of been so proud of.