I feel like I want to die

Hi sue just read your post about the 2 groups you joined. I was thinking of joining one otherwise i feel i may waste away and my partner and i used to be so active. My family are no support to me as they do their own thing. Drink and drugs mainly even my 75 year old sister. Do you have to travel far to participate.

Hi there, the Way Up group is for both men and women and are all over the UK, the JDs as I call them are for ladies Iā€™m down here in Bournemouth are all over the UK , there is a yearly subscription I believe for both, I have now been with these groups for years and they are my lifeline with holidays, meetups, day trips you can travel as far as you wish from Scotland to Cornwall have know some members come from Cornwall to book into a hotel for a weekend to attend the usual get together with nearly 40 of us having a meal, hope that helps with info. x

Hi sue thank you for the information. I shall probably give one of them a whirl but stick with smaller groups. Ideally i would like to find someone who is interested in antiques and collectables. Visiting antique centres and charity shops as that is something my late partner and i did and we loved it. I am in the north west of england. Thank you once again. Take care. Janet x

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Hi Trisha you certainly do try hard to make some sense of this horrid time. I have joined a group near me and found it quite pleasant. They hold it in a cafe once a month and itā€™s all very friendly with no forms or anything. We can just walk in and out as we wish. I think they intend to hold other get togetherā€™s like meals out etc.
Funny about flowers because I have taken to having them in the house and buy fresh every week, I also take a bunch to Brian as he too loved flowers, probably because we are keen gardeners. Just shows how we all react to things differently.
Pleased with myself today as I managed to attend and stay with a work party at the allotment and actually found myself joking again. I have a wicked sense of humour at times and pleased that it showed itā€™s face again. Is it me slowly returning.
Take care

Hi Carl1955. Like you live Kent sorry for your loss . Lost my beautiful wife Penny :heart: to METS BREAST CANCER on the 06
November 2019. That she didnā€™t even know she had . I was diagnosed with Prostate cancer this time last year. I saw my own GP in hospital and he told me there nothing wrong with me. Same as with Penny :heart: said she had Sciatica it was Cancer spread to her Spine. Fell so lost without Penny :heart: plus fighting my Cancer. Tried Suicide myself to get out this life I am going through with little help from anyone. GP Feel a sleep in front of me in hospital. The other day I requested my medication he gave me the totally the wrong Tablets had to Phone up and request the right ones. Didnā€™t even what to see me when Penny :heart:. Passed away. Kind Regards.

My partner died 9 months ago. His death was also sudden. At time of death he was 72 i was 50. I miss him so much still. Cant do much still. We always used to go food shopping on Sun morning s. Awful going out on my own now, when i have to. Gone off most things now. Cry nearly everyday.