I lost my partner in December

Thankyou for your kindness
Yes new life certainly brings optimism it’s also a reminder of our loss isn’t it… I’m pleased for you I hope you manage to see as much of the baby as you can x

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Thank you. I used to walk but got a bit of plantar fasciitis from walking on concrete floors at work, so I can’t walk far without my feet hurting. A few of miles and I’m limping. I keep going though. Plus my Bulldog can’t walk far either ! He’s allergic to all sorts, his airway closes off if I take him in a wood, found that out be accident when he collapsed and I had to use an inhaler on him. Scared to take him very far now, so he’s got a dog pushchair, which I feel stupid pushing. So I gave up.

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@Ilovehorses well my son is being very selfish at the moment. Since my partner died very suddenly I’ve understandably needed support. I now find out that his wife has told him he’s not allowed to do things for me ( it’s been like this since around November) . I only found out on Saturday though . She told me on the phone that I’ve been too demanding. I’m in shock . This might result in them choosing not to see me , depending on what she decides. I’m sick of it all actually. I would trade in my partner for my son , his wife and the baby if I could . We were so much in love it breaks my heart every day that he’s not here :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:

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Hi @Ladysuisei6 it’s so hard without our special person. Nobody can understand unless they have been through it. I find it soul destroying. Was with my husband for fifty years and findjng life without him really difficult. Even getting out of bed is a daily struggle.x

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Oh my goodness your poor doggie I’ve never heard of dogs being allergic… no wonder your anxious…
It’s hard with pain I think we take things for granted don’t we my legs have been hurting for months now went to the dr they said lack of estrogen but I’m not convinced I get cramp in my toes at night… but I keep walking as best I can… I thought I’d be fit as a fiddle till I was at least 80! 58 and I’m fed up really gets you down we can’t even get comfort from our loved ones now.

What too demanding! Shocking where has support and empathy gone? … I’m finding the older I get the more I feel I’m a burden to my family… I do see them but less than I would like… even my grandson who was coming three days a week dosent want to stay anymore technology is more important
What a sad world we live in… I’ve started to become a bit more selfish now and think of myself…

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Just got to get on with it, l don’t want to sit and be miserable. I want to live a little before I’m too old to do it. Some days l could just sit and cry. There’s only 1 person l can depend on and that’s me, so I’ve got to get through it. Take care.


Yes your right we only have ourselves to push forward I’m so pleased the sun is starting to come out it helps me get motivated

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