I lost my son by suicide.

I know your pain. I lost my son 10 months ago to suicide. He was 2 weeks shy of his 35th birthday. We loved him so much. He was beautiful and kind. He was also my best friend. We worked together for many years. My co workers all loved him and would say what a great son I had. The girls would call him the looker. He had many friends, male, female, older & younger. He loved us & his sister, aunts, uncles & cousins, but he was inpatient & inpulsive, plus he didn’t want to burden anyone. I miss him everyday. I cry everyday. I believe he gave me a sign. I don’t always believe in signs, but what happened cannot be explained. My son was always a happy, fun person. His friends still miss him and have reached out to me. I keep going for my daughter & husband and it is God’s will. I just hope I see him one day. I didn’t find my son, but, I was there when the paramedics took him. I have gone to trauma sessions, grief counselling and coping centre. The coping centre was the best. Suicide is becoming much to common in Canada.

my son was 18 years old had friends was attending university had passed his advanced highers thought he was going places he seemed happy enough i got a chap at my door he jump from a high height to his death. i cant take it in he was my wee best friend why do i have to live without him and with this pain nothing makes me happy anymore this takes over my life heart everything i hate life now

So sorry for your loss. I understand your pain. I have been going to a coping seminar with other people going through the same tragedy. I believe it is a disease. My son was successful with lots of friends. He had a wonderful loving family, he left us without a fight. I will never understand it, except that there are brain diseases that we do not understand or know about. I believe my son would be alive if it wasn’t for social media. This is the con for a convenient resource that is sometimes infiltrated with lies & dangerous information. Like you I miss my son and having trouble coping. I try to keep my faith & connect with people that are supportative. One fellow survivor said to me, one step towards another. I guess that is what we have to do to go on. Please reach out to community services in your area & family members. You are not alone. God bless you!

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Dear Karen,

I just wanted to send a virtual hug and say I’m thinking of you and your beautiful son. Thanks for sharing your photos, I could see so much love for him. My heart breaks for Dean, you and your family.

I have no experiance of your situation so my words would seem hollow. I just wish for you to get the support that will help and some understanding from people who have been through it via SOBS. Wishing you strength. Take care. Roberta x

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