I miss a kiss and saying good night

Night god bless xxx

Night god bless mom xxx

It was a hard day yesterday so night god bless xxx


Night god bless mom love you xxx

Night god bless xxx

I look to the stars and I hope you can see I love you and blow a kiss I miss you so much my heart hurts night god bless love you mom with all my heart xx


Love you mom night god bless xxx

Mommy I love you night god bless xxx

Night night sleep tight don’t let the bed bugs bite. Night god bless xxx

Mommy mommy I need you so much. Your smile is the sun and your hug is the moon, there but just out of reach watching over me but never a word silenced by death Distance is far I love you more each day with an ache in my heart now that’s its incomplete. Night god bless mom xxx

Night god bless and a hug xxx

Had a rough night night god bless xxx hugs and kissrs mom

Night god bless mom love you xxx

Night god bless xxx love you

Night god bless mom xxx I love you so much :heartpulse:

Night god bless mom love you xxx

Not a day goes by that you are not in my thoughts night god bless xxx love you mom

Night god bless xxx

Love you mom night god bless xxx

Hugs and kisses :kiss: love you mom hugs night god bless xxx