I miss a kiss and saying good night

Night god bless xxx

I miss you more each day nigjt god bless xxx

Night god bless xxx

Noght god bless xxx

Aww @Lolla49 I really hear your pain and love for your mum, Im sure your Mum is readjng your daily goodnights and love for her.
Do you visit your Mum’s grave or do you have her ashes at home with you.
Amy x

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It’s taken a year, but I have some ashes now xxx thank you for the kind words xxx

Night god bless mom xxx

Night god bless xxx

Mom I miss you so much. I love you so much. Night god bless xx

Night god bless xxx

I miss you so much night god bless xxx

Night night, sleep tight don’t let the bed bugs bite xxx

Night god bless mom xxx

Night god bless xxx

Night god bless xxx

You could have been writing this for me feel exactly the same , same situation he went to work as normal didn’t come home deverstated x x

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Night god bless xxx

Night god bless xxx

Night god bless hugs and kisses xxx

Night god bless mom xxx