I miss a kiss and saying good night

Night god bless mom xxx

Good night xxx

Good night mom xxx

I would say night god bless but yet again I’m not asleep I miss you more each day as you are not here to talk to or to listen to me. Love you mom xxx

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Time to roll up mysleves

Night god bless xxx

Im in a very dark place night god bless xxx

Night god bless xxx

Hello darkness, my old friend. Night god bless mom xxx

Night god bless mom xxx

Night god bless xxx

Night god bless mom xxx I did not know what I had till I lost you xxx

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The last few nights have been sohard to say goodnight xxx this was a time you showed us the magic of christmas love kindness and thankfulness miss you so much aaand love you xxx

Mom I miss you so much right now xxx

I can relate to them feelings . I lost my husband on 21/11 . I hate the evenings and nights . I alway saying good night love you even though his not there . I miss him deeply . I’m told it never gets easy but you learn to cope . Your not alone

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Night god bless mom I love you xxx

Night god bless mom xxx

Hi mom it’s been hard and lonely the last few day Im struggling at the moment I need a hug miss you. Night god bless xxx

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Love you x

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Thank you xxx