I miss a kiss and saying good night

Miss you mom love you night god bless xxx

Night god bless sweet dreams love you mom xxx

Night mom xxx

Found it so hard this week felt very alone miss you mom love you night god bless xxx

Night night mom sleep tight xxx

Night god bless mom xxx

Kisses good night, mom xxx

Feeling very lonely with out you mom night god bless

Night night sleep tight miss you so much mom xxx

I wish I could hug you just one more time night god bless xxxl

Night god bless mom xxx

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Some days are harder than others. Why ? Why ? I miss you so much :heart: night god bless xxx]

I completely understand how you feel, I’m 3 months in, I stay awake most nights till 3/4am, I’m left with my thoughts, I miss him so much, he died very suddenly, I was abroad, so it’s taken time to even process.
I even brought a pregnancy pillow to wrap around me as bed felt so big.
I don’t want to go on meds, ordered some herbal ones to help, I definitely notice a decline in how I’m dealing with he’s death when I have a lack of sleep


I was in this group a year ago every night crying my eyes out, as i could not sleep/eat/think. All i can say, after 18 months, it 's still really hard, however the pain is more manageable, you sleep/eat better and even exercice more, which a year ago, i did not beleive when other widows were saying it will get better with time…it does get a little better, hang in there.


Night god blless mom xxx

Night god bless xxx

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Hi just signed up i lost my husband same as you November 22 we also used to kiss goodnight bless i have been trying so hard to cope with my loss but still struggling i have lost my friends when david got poorly i struggle to even go out just miss him so much hope we can try to help each other xxx


My partner used to tell me he loved me everyday. I love him so much too


Night god bless xxx

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Love you mom xxx