I miss a kiss and saying good night

Night god bless xxx

Feellike I’m losing control again I miss you xxx

Night mom some days It’s hard to carry on and just stay in bed then other days I see your smile in everything I do. XXX

Night mom xxx

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Night god bless love you so much xxx

Night mom miss you so much :heart: xxx

Night god bless mom xxx

I miss you mom so much I didn’t realise how important you were to me and how you were my only friend who stood by me in my crappie relationships picked up the peices when my wirld would full apart my world is so dark and lonely right now I miss you just as much today as the day I lost you
Night god bless xxx

I miss you so much.

I am sending you a good night kiss.

I wish I saw you in my dreams.

I love you and always will xxxxxxx

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Night god bless mom xxx love you :heart:

Night god bless mom miss you so much xxx

I miss you mom xxx night god bless

Night god bless mom xxx

Night god bless xxx

Night god bless mom love you xxx

Night god bless mom xxx

Happy birthday miss you so much today night god bless xxx

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Love you so much night god bless xxx

Night night sleep tight don’t let the bed bugs bite night god bless xxx

Night god bless xxx