I miss a kiss and saying good night

Good night mom xxx Night god bless love you

@MemberD72 I like yourself lost my partner at the end of November & I was wondering if you’re still sleeping on the sofa because that’s what I’ve done since & can’t bear the thought of going back into my bed?

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I am still sleeping on the sofa, i keep saying im going to go to bed but i cant bring myself to do it. I cant imagine sleeping in that big bed again all alone xx

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Hi @Emz
Yes, I am still sleeping on the sofa tried several times to go to bed but I just get in bed and I am wide away. Things then pop into my head and then I clock-watch till morning. Then get up feeling like crap and snap at everyone.


Hi, mom
miss, you so much the pain is hard sometimes. I look into the night sky and I hope you can see and hear me night god bless xxx I wish I could reach out my arms and hug you one last time xxx

Yes know exactly where both of you are coming from!!
Thoughts are with you all :heart::heart:


@Emz thinking of you too :purple_heart::purple_heart:


Thank you for your reply of kind words xxx

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Thank you for your kind words xxx

Night god bless mom love you xxx

Hello Gingerseawolf22

I lost my husband August 15
I have got a new job so I am out the house for longer like you. I have given myself a routine to help with being home but i talk to my husband as if he is still here I do find it helps but also tell myself he wouldn’t want me not eating as he would be cross that I am not taking care of myself
Please remember we are all here for each other and we do understand
Baby steps and we have the memories I know how much he loved me and I know your wife would want you to be happy and care for yourself


Hello Annmarie22
Iam so sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my( 2nd) Teresa on the 28 August22.
Everyday is a struggle .And yes I do talk to her all the time. I have not lost it.
Just have a normal conversation.
I do hate being home. Cold empty and uninviting . I hate Fridays becsuse it is weekend
I just can’t wait for Monday to get back to work. I leave the house at 04:45am. I normally greet hi zI am home. They dont understand. Place of work is my home. I just go to another house to eat and sleep. At least at work I have warmth and people around me. And further a focus.
Anything can set me off, a memory or so. I am finding it times easier to control my emotions. My background too long in the … you do not show your emotions. Men don’t cry.
Learning very late in life that is not so.
I do eat properly. My distant stepdaughter does check in on me to see if I m ok.
I do go once a week to lay flowers on her grave. At time of just talking again. Maybe shed a few tears or three. And make my way home. …
That is the way I am coping with grief. I don’t let it bottle up .

I hope you can have some peacefull sleep.


Hello Gingerseawolf 22
I’m sorry for your loss and I feel your pain sending you much love. I can relate to everything you have put you are not alone.


Hello Annmarie22
I am sorry for your loss and I feel your pain sending you much love xxx I can relate to everything you said. You are not alone.


Hi mom
can’t believe it is another Friday. I so miss my Friday catch ups and chat and putting the world to rights. Night god bless xxx

Hi @Gingerseawolf22
It’s so sad that men were brought up to not cry. That must add a HUGE emotional burden as the grief is the same for each of us. It’s actually one of the reasons I know I will cope better than my husband would have had he lost me. He would have tried to hide his grief from our daughters to not upset them. I simply can’t do that but they don’t need me to either.

Hugs to you and you carry on being who you are. xxx


Hi KarenF x
I have conditioned myself to control my emotions. Some days I might start to leak in my eyes, and I feel all emotional. I focus on something else pulling myself together. I do wish I could one time, day or so just let go … It is all inside bursting to come out. I do know it would free me and help me to move forward . Just pushing it to the back is not helping long term. I am thinking I am strong … I am tired though. Sleep deprivation just part of who I am. Power naps is what I survive on.
So I am free as such .Always case of Mind awake, Body asleep! Medication has not been helpful. I keep telling myself I need holiday trying to do all that we planned to do .Places we planned / spoke about visiting.

I was just wondering if any one else has similar thoughts /experiences.
Thank you for bearing with me this far. You are all amazing people sharing lives as such with strangers. We may all be in the same boat, however we each have our storms to navigate through .


Yes, I feel the same you are not alone. Crying is not a sign of weakness. Grief is love. We can not heal what we cannot feel. Sending you much love as I feel your pain. Xxx


Hi mom
Night god bless xxx

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Grief and tears are simply love with nowhere to go so try to let them flow.
I sometimes deliberately put on some music which will make me cry when I feel it is building up inside and needs release.
Other times I don’t have time as I am needed for something so I can’t let it out. My younger daughter with extra needs doesn’t like it if she is tearful at a time I feel weak too. She doesn’t mind me crying as long as it’s not when she needs me to be strong for her.

As you say, we each have our journeys but can be here for each other. x