I miss being us

I miss being an us Lisa and Neil. I hate being a me. Does anyone else feel like this. 3 months on and reality is starting to hit. I hate this life being on my own. I just want to lay with my husband and be us again :broken_heart:


You are not alone feeling like this. I miss everything about being us. Chatting about the news or a TV programme, planning trips out, deciding what to have for tea, sharing my worries, sharing laughs,
to name just a few. Nothing is the same now itā€™s just me.
We just have to hope we can learn to live with it just ā€œbeing meā€ given time. Xx


I agree with all you say. I still find myself saying oh I must tell Neil Iā€™d I have read or seen anything. I hope so too xx


Got to say I feel the same as Barbara61,its been 7 months since my wife died and I miss all the things we used to do together, seeing couples holding hands whilst out walking always makes me think of how we used too and just the small things asking for an option on thing its now just me.
Can only hope it gets easier keep well all


I feel the same, itā€™s 3 months since I lost my soulmate too.
I just hate my life without Pete, I wish I could be wherever he is.
Thereā€™s not a minute of the day that I donā€™t miss him.
People say time heals but I know Iā€™ll never enjoy life again, itā€™s impossible!
You are not alone feeling like this, I really understand how you are feeling.
I just wish there was something we could do to make it better.



Your all so right even after 4 years for me I hate life without my husband
I still talk about him every day at work with family - I canā€™t help it he was my soul mate my best friend
We did everything together and after 25 years you canā€™t just let go

Itā€™s a Friday night we should be together relaxing after a hard day at work maybe with a takeaway and watching a movie together laughing
Now Iā€™m alone at home making tea for one

Does it get easier? Sorry it doesnā€™t you just learn to live with the loss
I keep myself busy with family friends and hobbies
But that never takes away the heartache
Iā€™m not lonely just miss the love of my life sharing my life with him

I hope it does get easier for you all in time
Iā€™m just glad David wasnā€™t the one left going through this pain every day putting on a brave face when inside I am broken

Sending my love to you all


I too miss being us so so much.
I hate saying my house, my car, my garden. It should be our. Our our our.
We instead of me or I just seems all wrong
I am so not adjusting to being no oneā€™s priority, I was my husbands priority & he was mine just 13 months ago.
Time doesnā€™t make it easier, just makes it different.


I hate me life to. Being just me is lonely and scary. I wish I was with Neil too. This life of one is awful :disappointed_relieved:


This life is definitely different a life I will never get used to, I donā€™t think any of us will. Life changed for the worse when Neil passed. It will never get better we will just learn to live without them :broken_heart:


Yes I know Neil would never of coped with this pain and change of life. I feel broken as we all do we wonā€™t ever be fully repaired just learn to live with this pain and loneliness. Love to you too xx


Yes Lisa. I hate being a ā€˜meā€™. I used to enjoy my own computer but that was when I was secure and part of a very happy loving couple. Iā€™m no good on my own. Yes, I have family but its not the same. Sending hugs to all who want one x


Yes itā€™s been ten months for me and I have to learn to carry my grief with me and try and smile. The latter is very difficult. Some days most days impossible. Iā€™m glad by H didnā€™t have to feel how I am feeling now. Life is so hard and I miss him so very much. I love you babe x


Yes I will always be a Mrs and wife. This is my argument we are classed as a widow by the government, yet on any official paperwork your classed as a Mrs it annoys me. Me and Neil were the same I will never love anyone else till the day I die :broken_heart:


I agree with what you all have said I will always be mrs and could never love again it was so hard when I had to write widow on paperwork just never imagined being one it horrible Iā€™m in a dark hole tonight miss him so much life is horrible
Hope you have a good night sleep so it helps to deal with that next day some how xxx


I agree when the sun comes out everything seems less scary. Itā€™s my husbands birthday on Monday. I hope he brings the sunshine. He was my sunshine and always bought me. Daffodils every week for my birthday and then until they died off. I miss him so much itā€™s all the little things I miss that suddenly when you miss them it breaks your heart x


I hate the word widow Iā€™m Mrs moss and always will be lv annie x x


Morning hope you all managed to sleep it is a sunny morning so yes helps us another day to manage in this new way of life how long will it be till we are together again
Take care love to all struggling xxx


HI Lisefin

i am like you i have been on my own just over 3 months now and it is had to be a me instead of an us yes like you i miss having to someone to share my confesations with and going out and about with we were together for 56 years maried nearly 54 what i find and it does get me angry that because we are on our own i feel that the system and others take you for granted i had to fight for 3 mnths with the dwp to get my pension credit sorted but with help from c.a.b got it done they seem to overlook you and theres no one beside you to help and talk talk to about it
now the longer days are coming a lot of my markets are comeing back too so me and my dog go down town to the market once in a while i go to my husbands grave every other week and i go on 2 dog walks a month then i meet a friend in a park once a fornight with her 2 dogs and its helped me a lot it was hard at first and felt like turning back the first few times but i made myself do and am starting to feel stronger again now and its surprising how you meet and talk to people that are on their own too
i have my bad days where i cry at the least little thing that goes wrong because i have no one here to telk to about it i my daughters but its not the same

take care



Iā€™m 8 months on from my husband passing and absolutely hating this new life on my ownā€¦
Nobody to share about how my day has been share dinner with just all the things we loved in life now sadly nothing
Itā€™s gone and so has the light in our eyes
Take care x


It did and it wonā€™t ever come back on for any of us in this nightmare situation