I miss being us

Barbra life is hard on your own nobody to support you had to change name on house it just came back as Ann moss no title I’m Mrs moss and always will be lv ya annie x x


Yes you right the light has gone out it’s so very hard to want to carry on even though I do have grown up family they tell me they can not loss both of us so guess I have to wait a while just don’t see way forward I hate it will never be same
Hugs to you all xx


Same here xx

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You are right Annie you will always be Mrs and even if authorities don’t recognise that you will always know it.
It is so hard on our own. The sink in the bathroom seems to be blocked not draining away. Put sink unblocker down this morning but no good. I contemplated taking the pipes apart underneath but couldn’t get them loosened. Then came downstairs and the pipe under the kitchen sink has come loose so has been leaking. I am certainly getting tested today. Just felt like crying but I managed not to. As if Sundays aren’t bad enough. I’m going to my daughters this afternoon and we are going for a walk. Need to get out the house.


Hi Pat I understand what your saying. The DWP have been less then useless. I have had to go on universal credit and have to go in every 2 weeks too see a “work coach” even though I am providing a sick note from my doctor, i find it all so degrading. She is only in her 20s and is useless, every time I go she goes on about me doing things one was finding a craft class, the last time was volunteering!! Despite the fact I can’t work due to illness. I am not a person who likes conflict or any kind of drama but I lost it with her. Told her I can just about manage to crawl out of bed to see her. Her reply was well it’s been over 3 months now surely it is getting better. They just don’t have any empathy at all. I can’t blame her really but they need to have more training in how to talk and help people. Yes I have family and friends and they are all amazing but they don’t really understand.
Take care xx


Yes this loneliness is unbearable no one to talk to tell them how your feeling. Life is hard and I hate it.

Take care x


they dont treat you well at all no sympathy what so ever i only got mine sorted thanks to the C.A.B which they did in a week after waiting 3 months dont think they have any training in dealing withthe bereaved at all it just makes it 10 times harder and i am quite a tough person because i had to sort a everything out when my husband was here because hed been ill for years

look after yourself


I feel exactly the same, I hope that it helps to know that that all these feelings are completely normal, and shared by most of us on the forum. Take care.


I tried the cab but couldn’t get an appointment. They need to have a department that deals with the bereaved.
Take care xx

The forum has helped so much. Its sad but nice to know people are feeling the same way.
Take care

i did all mine over the phone i didnt have an appointment i just phoned then explained everything over the phone and they gave me people to contact then they phoned me the week after to make sure i was getting everything i should get

take care

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This is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to face, living without my beloved Joe is simply unbearable.
I seem to miss him in every moment of time but especially when I need to chat to him, to laugh, just to share.
I have amazing support but the pain sits deep in my heart.
I am and always will be his wife, Mrs is my title.

I only hope the pain subsides, my love for him won’t.


Yes the pain is unbearable, it’s sharing the little things am sitting on my own in what used to be our home. Now I feel like I don’t want to be here without Neil yet this was ours, our safe place, it just feels empty now.
Take care xx


Hi Gill
so sorry for your loss
i lost my husband just over 3 months ago now so things are getting a bit better still have bad days
the feelings you have are normal for someone greieving the hardest thing is that you havent got him to chat to or share things with it will seem empty and hard but on jere we have all been through the same thing and everyone undestands what you are going through
things do get a bit easier with time its learning to take one day at a time with baby steps along the way
i feel the same i will always be mrs i still hold the title of mrs when i am asked my name they may have left us but we will never forget them and always be their wives
you will have different hurdles to get through keep posting on here it does help to write your felling down and read other peoples posts it always helps to know we are all going through the same feelings and not alone

take care


,it always will be I had to phone my insurance to tell them of John passing got new policies on envelope just said Ann moss it really got to me I’m Mrs moss always lv annie x x

You are not alone, I too struggle not being an ‘us’ in ‘’our’ house. I feel sad when I see couples holding hands, doing them shopping together. I miss having someone to share things with. A deer ran across my path as I was walking the dog the other day and I thought I must tell my husband, then it hit me that he’s not here.

Take care x


When I lost my husband last year my life has never been or ever will be the same , we used to love watching old comedies and go away together, we were husband and wife and now it’s just me x


Sorry for your loss, yes it’s the little things. My husband loved music he used to listen to it and watch concerts/documentaries I haven’t been able to listen or watch either since he passed. That was our thing and can’t bear it to be just mine x


I know I can’t watch what we used to watch either , it’s hard isn’t it xx


Heya my husband loved his music lv ya annie x xx