I miss being us

Very hard, don’t think I will ever adjust to this life :disappointed_relieved: xx

Hi we are all hurting with out our loved ones it is just unbearable kept busy today been out now home alone just memories in bits now I tell myself I can get through this for my family but right now I don’t know how to live this new life do I really have to I feel so different in so many ways I feel angry with nhs for not doing right by him if they had he would be home with me how do I live with that hope you all have a ok night sleep xxx

I find I can’t watch the same programmes Pete and I used to watch, I also can’t eat the same foods we used to have, I always made soup for our lunch but haven’t made any since he died.
It’s just too painful.

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Yes i am the same we used to watch cricket and football together and he loved his horse racing but i cant watch any of it any more never the same without them by your side to cheer them on together

the same i cannot delete his name off my phone as i feel if i do i have lost him for ever

i have his watch in my bag so i feel he is always with me wherever i go

take care and always do whats right for you


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I used to cook for us both , I eat ok but don’t eat what I used to ,3 months after I lost my husband I got diagnosed with stage 3 Bowel cancer, I know I would have got through the treatment better if he had been by my side and he would have given me support xx


You so right it it so very painful he used to do home made soup and lot other meals I don’t want to make it good is not same eating alone
I even find it hard cooking for family when they come over we love having them now it’s not the same I list my confidence with out him don’t think people understand do they xxx

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No i know exactly how you feel x

Hi Lisefin, I feel exactly the same as you, I lost my wife nearly a year ago to cancer, I miss us, I just want joy to return into my life. :heart:


I agree, it seems strange but I do feel like I’ve lost my confidence. I used to enjoy cooking but now I can’t be bothered, I had cheese and crackers tonight and often have cereal, it’s like I’ve become very lazy.

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Am sorry you are not well, please try to look after yourself.
Take care x

Just can’t be bothered with food at all , I haven’t even got out of bed today there is no point x

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Am sorry for your loss. I lost my husband last November suddenly. I just don’t see the point anymore the pain is unbearable, can’t see it being any different xx


It will be 4months on the 3rd March that my wife Phyllis passed away at the age of 61 i was married to her for 42 year’s and known her for 55 years we grew up together and lived on the same street I am finding it very hard to handle her passing as it was only 17 months after we lost our daughter she was a intensive care nurse she was only 39 years old.
I have a grown up son who is helping me carry on. It is very hard but it does get easier as time goes on but you will never forget them they are in your heart for life I hope that this helps as I don’t know what else to say xxx


I’m ok thanks , I can deal with the cancer but struggling with losing my husband , sitting here alone watching tv is never the same x


All the time, it’s been 11 months for me and it feels like everything is getting harder :broken_heart::broken_heart:

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You are right, it does seem to get harder as time goes on.


So sorry for your losses, its comforting to know it gets easier. Struggling so much at the minute so thank you xx

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Yes it’s so hard, I don’t even watch it to be honest it’s just on for company can’t bear the silence xx


on paper your a widow just for the records but you are still mrs and classed as married until the day you die unless like some they class themselvs single the same as a divorsed woman and become a ms

i will always class myself as mrs and all my letters that come are to mrs i will never be anything else but still married to my husband

take care


Me neither, I wish I could have the life I had back , I don’t like this one , I feel like im existing not living , I have a lovely family but I don’t think they understand what it’s like , but we just soldier on and try and make the best of it as well as we can xx