I saw my late husband

Hi Sheila
my getting lost dreams were once so bad, my sister sugested taking a sat nav with me. it worked!! before i went to sleep i visioned myself with the sat nav straped to my chest. i would like to add these dreams were berfore my husband passed.
take care, Sheila Xx

yes you are right, the lost the dreams are about finding your way in life, in mine i was often found or rescued by my husband, lol sometimes he was the one who made me lost. the dreams i had were while my huband was still alive, at one point they were so bad my sister suggested i take a sat nav with me, it worked!! before i went to sleep i visioned mysef strapping the sat nav to my chest, no more getting lost dreams.
Take care Sheila Xx

lol my husband put maps on my phone,
I have very bad problems in going anywhere new, i suffer panic attacks ect it really holds my back , i am booked to go holiday next year with my husbands family and i am so stressed about howi am going to get there. :frowning: I am starting to think of ways out of going. :frowning:

Hi Pat. No, please try not to read into a dream what isnā€™t there. It goes for everyone when I say dreams can be complex and have so many different meanings according to the person who dreams them. Dream analysis is more of a science that guesswork. Freud and Jung both wrote extensive books on dream analysis which must have helped many people who were puzzled by their dreams. Your dream about Brian does not mean he will not communicate with you again. No way! Years ago, after a bad time mentally, I had a recurring dream about America. When I consulted my counsellor, a Jungian, he said good! ā€˜The New Worldā€™, as America has been known, awaits you, and it was true.
I began to recover from then on. My unconscious was giving me a message loud and clear. But how could I have known without my old friend telling me?
This inability to communicate in dreams is so common. We block off any real communication by disbelieving and cynicism. (Not you, far from it!). Psychic experiences will come without us asking for them. Out of the blue and for no apparent cause.
Keeping an open mind is so important. Itā€™s not necessary to ā€˜believeā€™ because so many cynical people have been surprised when it happens to them.
Take care Pat. John.

Hi John
Thanks for your reply. I am just a bit confused why I canā€™t get to where I am trying to find in these dreams. Canā€™t find bus stop, or a bus, canā€™t dial a number without it cutting off before I finish and not being able to speak to anyone.
In real life I am good at finding my way around as being a Rambler I was the map reader and often go into the countryside alone with my maps. However it was different when Brian was alive as he would keep check on me and where I was.
Pat xxx

Hello just want to say my husband just collapsed and died suddenly while we were out walking our dogs in April he also appeared to be fit and healthy was 72 and still worked we have a roofing company, the sad thing is I never got to see him again just know he went into cardiac arrest and the end came very quickly the emergency serviceā€™s tried there very best but it was not to be and because of COVID I just had to say good bye there and then and his body was taken away, so very hard, thinking of you all .


I am so sorry , for your loss and becouse it happend durring covid, my husband bacame ill in the middle of april and was admitted to hospital, we knew things were bad but it was horrifying how his health deteriorated and i could not visit him, i was told over the phone he was dying and on his last day they let me in. my thoughts are with you.

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Thank you itā€™s so very hard my thoughts are with you such a rotten time we are all having x

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Yes it does Sheila. ā€˜Man upā€™, a good expression. But only when we can and feel like doing it. My mother used to say the same thing when I could not find my way somewhere. ā€˜Well, you have a tongue in your head, use itā€™. She was right! ā€˜Geeing lostā€™ can be a good metaphor for us as well. Most of us are lost and bewildered after it happens. But what is ā€˜being lostā€™? Unable to find our way? Not seeing far ahead? Becoming fearful because we do not seem to be able to ā€˜find our wayā€™? I have found, after some time, the way ahead does become clearer and more defined. I see the light in the distance get just that bit brighter. Itā€™s nearly 21 months since my wife died and it still gets to me at times.
Take care and do what is right for you. Blessings. John.

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Hi. TG. Absolutely right. Itā€™s all about personal emotions and feelings. What we feel is reality to us, and those feelings can never be described in words. Yes, be content with it because itā€™s so very important and brings comfort and a little relief from the pain.
Take care. John.

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Hi John, where can I find your list Psychic phenomena please. I would like to read it.

I believe in after life, my first husband who passed 21 years ago, I know I have seen once 8 months after he died, I was at a function with friends and last waltz was played , I became overcome with emotion and ran out of the Marquee, he was standing, dressed in clothes I recognised , smiling at me, I called his name and ran towards him, but he disappeared. ButII know I saw him. Iā€™ve not seen him since,
I remarried and recently lost my darling 2nd husband; I cared for him 24/7 willingly and would do anything to have him back. I speak to him out loud, say night bless, our usual words, every night and tell him I love him. Itā€™s now 8 months since he passed and I long to see him. I do believe in robins and feathers, A robing comes near me nearly every time Iā€™m in our garden, a place he loved. I hold onto the feathers. Maybe it takes time before they can come through to us, Wish I knew. We loved each other so very much, the pan is awful.
Iā€™ve seen a medium several times before he passed, everything was so accurate, things only we knew. How can this be coincidence. I pray we will meet again. Iā€™d like to see a medium again, but fear if he doesnā€™t come through. Maybe silly but the longing is a constant ache.

Thinking of you in your loss and all on here who understand

Love Christina.

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Hi, Christina. If you scroll down to ā€˜Psychic Phenomenaā€™ on the ā€˜Latestā€™ list you will find the thread there. There have been so many interesting replies, and it confirms what I already knew. There are far more psychic people around than we think. Itā€™s mostly the possibility of being ridiculed that holds them back.
Itā€™s not always possible for a good medium to have a vision of a loved one. Now thatā€™s good if they admit it. Please donā€™t be put off by that . If you feel comfortable with them and feel they are genuine then why not? We all find comfort in our own way and time. Whats ā€˜sillyā€™ about a constant ache? Itā€™s all part of this awful process called grief. Your experiences are very interesting. You had no fear of the phenomena and thatā€™s good. Fear can stop it in an instant. As I understand it, and I am not a Spiritualist, but it does take time for adjustment when someone passes. Itā€™s not always possible to come back and make themselves known. Now you either believe or you donā€™t. So many dismiss it all out of hand even though they have not studied it or gone into the subject. A lot of it is fear, Frightened of what they may find. I was a very big cynic until I married my wife who was very psychic. I had an open mind after that. You do whatever gives you comfort or some little relief from the pain.
Blessings and take care. John.

Thanks x
I had a friend whose a medium , she had the gift - if you call it that since she was 3 yrs old and her mother before her. She could never know things sheā€™s said xx

I donā€™t know if this is allowed. But those that like to read about after life signs. There is a very long thread on the cancer research forum about signs of proof of after life. X

Hi Jooles
Where is the cancer research thread?

No itā€™s an actual forum. On the cancer research website. The uk one. Iā€™ll try find a link


Yes Jooles, an excellent site to visit. I am glad the cancer research people take this subject seriously. To me itā€™s not just comfort but fact.
Take care. John.

I think I catch sight of my husband out of the corner of my eye. But its just my imagination. I have had none of the other signs. I lost him in May and Iā€™m finding it so hard.

John after mum died I called the cancer research helpline and spoke to the Macmillan nurses as I had lots of questions about my mums death due to cancer and they were amazing. I also had some really truly helpful replies on the forum too.