I'd rather do nothing with you 🤗


I came across this and thought how true :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This song just came on the radio, never really “listened” to the words before but can resonate so much with the words :sob:

It’s going to be one of them days :smiling_face:


I know how you feel … that’s an old song … it was a hit when i was younger ! Im so angry with the world today ! So angry that i am left to fight it without him here holding my hand ! :frowning: hope youre ok … saw my friend other day - had a chat … he was nice … x



It’s crap isn’t it! I’m ok back to feeling numb :pleading_face:thanks for asking. I’ve a busy day today so will that will keep me occupied, just finished putting my poker face on lol

Oh did you see him for a moment I thought you said you seen my friend I was like wth! Love that he was really nice, but wish he’d asked you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


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Yes it’s going to be of those days today ( again). It will be 7 weeks tomorrow when I lost my beloved partner so suddenly. Finding it difficult today to cope with a life without him. It’s all so final isn’t it. And on top of that there is loads off admin to deal with! I’m used to be so organised and confident and now everything panics me and I’m overwhelmed by it all.


Yeh i know … nice chat but never goes further does it :frowning: i dunno what is going on with him …
.probably best to forget anything ever will … just a friend isnt he !! X

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Aww Jody I understand how you are feeling. It’s 8 Weeks tomorrow that I lost my man.
I think I’ve dealt with he majority of admin stuff, I just decided I’d do little and often to get it all sorted. I am also part way through a huge complaint that I am putting in against the NHS for the neglect, that is very overwhelming as it’s like I’m right back to that moment in time…I kept a diary of the utter shite that kept going on and only felt ready to “relive” it the other day.

Hope your day isn’t to bad :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



It frustrates me and I’m not even living it, hahaha. Suppose what will be will be! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thanks Katyh. Good luck with the complaint. From what I’ve heard from others, it’s very difficult when you go up against big organisations as they’ll do anything to avoid admitting their liability . Stay strong and hope you get justice for your man x


Yes @Katyh
I remember this song well.
Yet another one I can’t listen to now

Big hugs


@Katyh we complained … they investigated it … they have to ! But they just come back with bullshit …but still you should complain ! Xx


Thanks for that, now I’m crying!!! Have you added it to @Blake 's playlist?



There not fobbing me off, it may not change thing’s for us but it can’t happen again for anyone else it was cruel :disappointed:

Aww bless you @SadGirlfriend sorry :pleading_face:

No not added it to Blake’s list as it wasn’t a special song to us but when it comes on the radio this morning it made me think of him! Poor sod should be here :sob:

Ps did you decide to go tonight?


Sorry, sending hugs to you to :hugs:

Big, big hug Jody.

I understand.

It will be 14 weeks tomorrow.


Rose xx

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Sending hugs back x x

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Thank you! I don’t mind a challenge. Part of my job is either complaining or dealing with complaints. I know very well how the NHS and ICB try and worm out of things and have been in many MDT meetings with them through work, so know their tactics. All I want is them to recognise how neglectful they were and how they plan on improving for others. You really couldn’t make up what we experienced! It’s to long winded to write about it on here. I spent about 7 hours the other day writing the complaint and I’m only about three quarters through. If I lived closer I’d go and punch them all, well I’d like to :rofl: but wouldn’t for obvious reasons. X

@jody Like you I’m poleaxed not just by the loss, the aloneness, but by how I’ve changed. I used to be confident, energetic, organised, self reliant. Now the admin is piling up…I still have my Mother’s estate to deal with on top of the financial and bureaucratic fall out of losing my husband…and the least little frustration can set me off into tears. I feel like a zombie. The garden is desperately neglected and overgrown and I know that sorting it out makes me feel more like myself and the fresh air is good for me….but I can’t find the energy or motivation.



I totally understand.

Bereavement and grief is so huge.

Bigger than anyone can imagine until you are right in the middle of it!

There are so many parts of our lives are touched, probably all parts.

Sending love and hugs,

Rose xx

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