I'd rather do nothing with you 🤗

Nick was o life support on the Sunday but I was told they were going to bring him out of the coma on the Sunday when I arrived at the hospital 9am I realised then it wasn’t going to happen :broken_heart:

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I just want to send everyone in the Sunday Club, love and massive hugs.
And to let you know I’m thinking of you all.
My day is Friday

Lots of love and big hugs to everyone :hugs: :heart: x


Love to all struggling today.
I’m a Tuesday but that doesn’t bother me much anymore.
Ive started counting in months - 3 and 1/2 in - Not sure why and think more around almost 3 complete months that he hasn’t been here ( April, may, June )
Another sad day but I hear my kids getting up now so need to try and muddle through another grey and cold day finding stuff to pass the time.
Take care all xxx


Yeh i watched Glastonbury - my husband loved glastonbury too … feel sad today :frowning: xx


Yesterday I was tidying up a small area outside that we would do together.

We would do it so that we could sit out there.

It got to me, we did it every year when it started to warm up.

Sweeping up, arranging pots, making a space for a small table and 2 chairs.

For obvious reasons, I was later doing it.

I am going to finish it today.

Take care everyone.

Big hugs and much love,

Rose :rose: xx


That sounds good. I did the same on Friday. It was bittersweet sitting out there on my own with a cup of coffee. But I feel more peace in the garden than I currently do in the house. Besides, looking out at our once beautiful garden which was becoming a wilderness made me feel sad and guilty. I feel better now it looks more like it should. It wouldn’t bear close scrutiny but it’s definitely an improvement. I intend to do a bit more this week, weather permitting.
Hugs xx


I have done it.

Yes I cried,

A lot!

However, it’s done.

Rose xx


That’s progress Rose, you’ve done amazing completing something that must have been so hard.
Tears are good - just one task at a time and one day at a time.


Oh @RoseGarden

I hope your happy that you went and found some enjoyment :blush: xx


Thank you. I am glad I have done it.

So I now have that place to sit …… just as the sunny weather disappears :rofl::rofl:


Yep - could do with a bit of warmth up here too.
I bought a winter jacket in a sale yesterday as I was so cold. :cold_face:

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We loved pottering around the garden we had “his and hers “‘sections Nick loved the shaded plants tree ferns , etc I am more colourful plants , I am not really a dress type girl ! But now and again ! And would always wear a dress to garden festivals etc , TBH Nick enjoyed the planning of my outfit and he bought me this years outfit for Hampton Court , I will be going to London Thursday and the garden festival on the Friday I will wear the outfit that Nick bought and planned with me just got it out today , can’t believe he won’t see me wear it x


Looks wonderful - I love the cardi - where is it from?
I bet you’ll look amazing for your Nick, even if he’s not with you in person, he’ll be alongside you as you hopefully enjoy your day, even if it is tinged with sadness.

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Just cheap one from shein I was well chuffed with it so soft


I’m so glad for you Rose.
I know how tough that was for you x x


Well done Rose and on a Sunday too.
Your husband would be very proud of your achievements.

Lots of love xx


Thank you xx

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Thank you xx
I hope so :crossed_fingers:t2:


I too ama Sunday person 28/4/24 my grandson has made a memorial planter for our garden,my wife loved Lillie’s I spent most of Sunday rubbing it down and oiling/staining it,I am getting a brass plaque just saying Lesley’s lilies.


Aw … thats nice :slight_smile:

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