I'd rather do nothing with you šŸ¤—

Hi @Katyh , @jody ,

thank you for keeping in touch.

Well, I tested negative for Covid, so out of my quarantine.

Just very, very tired.
So that is the reason I have not posted much.

It has been good to be in the sun.

Emotionally, I think getting out helped.

This afternoon, I tackled a couple of things my husband would have done and that triggered memories and thoughts of what he planned to do.

So that brought tears and regrets.

These things are bound to happen but they still take me by surprise and really upset me.

I know you totally get it, the memories, emotions and reactions.

I am so very grateful to share with you.

I read your posts and think of you very often.

Take care and of course big, big hugs!!

Much love,

Rose :rose: xxā€‹:heart::heart:



Glad youā€™ve not got Covid!

Try take it easy, tackle things when your feeling stronger. There is no rush!

The tiredness may be because of grief, itā€™s so draining isnā€™t it. Iā€™ve had some really good sleep lately, I got some pills from the chemist and they knock me out about an hour after taking them. I think itā€™s helping me emotionally, as Iā€™m not as tired.

Yes the weather has been lovely, Iā€™m crisping up nicely :joy:

Itā€™s good to hear from you. Take care, sending a big warm hug :hugs: xx


Hi Rose so glad youā€™ve been able to get out in the sun. It makes you feel better even though you are extremely tired. I find coping with grief exhausting.
I too attempted some jobs in the garden the other day that normally my partner would have always done. It was upsetting but I think he would have been proud of me for having a go and the gutters are now cleaned out on the conservatory!! I wonā€™t be doing that again in a rush.
Try and take it easy until you are feeling stronger. Thereā€™s very little that canā€™t wait. Iā€™m sure your husband would have been full of admiration for you in tackling his jobs.
Sending big hugs :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: xx


Thank you so much.

That is so very kind



Thank you so much.

It is so very kind of you :rose::heart::heart:xx


I know Sundays are particularly difficult for many of us.
I know they are for me.

So I want to say, I understand.

Also, I am sending you huge hugs and much love.

Rose :rose: xx


Yes Sundays are difficult and different for us , Nick died 12.20am on the 15/4/24 it was the Sunday that was the worse day ever , given hope them having to watch the life support being turned off , today June 30th is the anniversary of my Fathers death 8 years ago, my son and I are going to a pub down the road for a carvery lunch today just some Thing different x


Thank you Rose

Big hugs to you too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. 10 weeks for me today. Sometimes it feels like yesterday and other days almost another lifetime.
Everything now is measured in before or after that horrendous day.

Thinking of you too :heart:xx


It is 17 weeks, or will be this afternoon.
So Sunday mornings I have memories of being with him and our life together and then come the afternoon, well you can imagine.

Reading your message reminded me that my dad also died on a Sunday. He was only 60 and it was also sudden and unexpected.

Thinking of you.

Big hug,

Rose :rose: xx


Itā€™s crap isnā€™t it , on Tuesday a girl I worked with died in the hospice I can see the grounds from my window , she had terminal cancer she was also age 35 and has a 4 year old daughter , she knew it was going to happen but just wanted to be around for her daughter starting school in September , she wanted to do her daughters hair on her first day ! How can life be so cruel she was denied that desperate wish . My Nick always said that girl had balls of steel , the last time I saw Sophie was at Nicks funeral I couldnā€™t believe she came she hauled herself out of the wheelchair so she could hug me , it has now made me think of her partner , again in his 30ā€™s and has 4 year old daughter to bring up without her mum , itā€™s but me back to those first days the shock when it happened to Nick I was numb .


That is so very, very sad and unfair.

So cruel.

Rose xx

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Oh @Jane15

Thatā€™s awful poor little family, so cruel :heart:

It really makes you wonder why doesnā€™t it. Xx

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Yes it does WHY? There is no reason ? X


Good morning @RoseGarden

Sundays are just sad and the worst day for me, my Andrew died 11 weeks ago today. Iā€™m so emotional today was just on tiktok crying at random videos that are not even sad :sob:

Always feel better after a good cry, I just canā€™t believe he has gone. Poor sod should be here with me. God I bloody miss him, I miss his love and hugs.

Sending lots of love, I hope your day isnā€™t completely filled with sorrow.xx



I donā€™t even know them but feel so upset for them. That poor little girl :broken_heart:


I think we may share the same date ? My husband died 15/4/24 but it was 12.20am early hours of the Monday morning they switched his life support off , it was the day before Sunday 14th April that was the hideous part , it doesnā€™t feel like 11 weeks , and the last time I ever counted anything in weeks was when pregnant! X


Good morning @Katyh

I understand. Tears here as well.

I have read your posts and what a lovely man your Andrew was.

I really hate Sundays now!!!

Wishing you some peace and calm today.

Love and hugs,

Rose xx


Hi @Jane15

Yes it was the same date for us. My Andrew made it untill dinner time today x

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Thanks rose :rose: x


Nicks would always sit in the chair by the window , we would just about get a sea peep from that chair , his emoji cushion is still there, and it still makes me smile , last night I watched Glastonbury from that chair , he loved watching Glastonbury, but I didnā€™t think this year I would get the window seat ! X