In the garden

My lovely man and our granddaughter eating raw brocolli from the veg patch in days gone by.


They look good.

I have leggy tomato seedlings my husband had sown before he died.
Still got to transplant them.

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That is such a lovely photo :heart:x

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Our gardens do seem to be a reason to keep going. To get them back to looking cared for and loved again. Just got to wait for the weather.
Lovely photo

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Hi Debbie, was browsing thru the posts and read your post about gardens.
Your garden pics look amazing, i don,t have a garden now since moved into a flat 3rd floor.
I would be sitting in garden for hours if i had a garden as beautiful and it looks so calming. I love it !!!
Statue is a lovely touch aswel.

Hugs x


Thank you, I do spend hour’s sitting in it, in the summer months. It was my husbands favourite place to be and I do have a few of his ashes scattered there. It is alot of hard work keeping it looking that way but worth it for him.
Debbie x


Hi Debbie, how are you doing?
I love gardening and used to work for local council as a landscape gardener.
As i said it looks beautiful and you have , and are doing a great job to make looking that good.
Hugs x

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Just having another look at your photos.
Wonderful borders. I haven’t quite got the ability to layer borders.

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Thankyou Rose. I’m afraid they dont look like that now, they’re ok from a distance, I’ll try and tidy them but I’m finding it very hard this year. Im finding everthing hard this year. X


Yes, this is such a different and difficult year this year.
Little did we know, just as well as we could still enjoy the time together last summer.

I wrote my letter last night, which wasn’t quite so sad as the one the night before.
I was able to write about a memory of a lovely day we had many years ago.

Sun is forecast for here and I have something I must do, so that’s a bit of a plan.

How about you?


Rose x

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It’s OK from a distance is always my refrain about my garden! I am determined not to look too closely at the jungly bits but just keep working away gradually. Lawn care is a whole new challenge for me…that was always Neil’s territory. Quite proud of myself for eventually getting the ride on lawn mower started the other day!


Well done, see what we can do when we have to.
My lawn’s not big enough for a ride on and as long as its short and green I’m happy.
Little abd often is best for the rest, and dustance is good :wink:

Happy gardening
Take care

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I probably shouldn’t use the word lawn!. It’s mostly moss, mud and weeds plus all different sorts of coarse grass. But it’s a good space for the grandchildren to play when they visit and so long as I don’t look too closely it’s a reasonable foil for the azealeas.


Wow!:heart: That looks like big garden, as you say good for grandchildren to run around.

No grass in our garden.


Outside one of the windows x


Beautiful xx

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I love wisteria. Tried one here and all it ever did was produce masses of leaves!

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That’s lovely. Lifts the spirits.
Looks as if you’ve got cosmos flowering already. That seems very early to me! You must be in a sheltered spot.
I’m not attempting veg or annuals this year, just got to get on top of the mess that comes from two years of neglect while I was focusing on looking after Neil and he couldn’t get stuck in like he used to.
It’s daunting but being in the garden is the nearest I get to feeling like myself again. Easier than facing up to people and horrid admin tasks.

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