Introducing "Passkeys" - going live tomorrow after 9am


I’m just letting you know that we’re doing some upgrades on the site tomorrow morning. That means that if you login after 9am, you will see this screen:

You will now have two login options:

  • You can log in with your username or password,
  • or you can log in with a passkey that you can set up.

What are passkeys for?

Passwords are a common way to log in to accounts, but if they get stolen, anyone can use them to gain access.

Passkeys are a way to log in without a password. They use your phone or another supported device to prove that you are who you say you are before letting you into your account. A lot of security happens behind the scenes, but the main benefit of passkeys is that they can’t be stolen like passwords. Plus, there’s nothing to remember, so you’ll never forget them.

Do I have to use a passkey to log in from now on?

No - it’s completely optional. You can still log in with your username and password as you usually do.

How can I create a passkey for my account?

You can create a passkey by going to your profile > Preferences > Security.

  • Click on the little profile picture avatar at the top of your screen
  • Click on the figure outline
  • Click “Preferences”
  • In Preferences, go to the “Security” tab.

Click on “Add Passkey”. Depending on what kind of device you are using, you will have a few options. The passkey I have set for my account is linked to my phone. It means that when I log in with my passkey, I log in via the fingerprint scanner on my phone.

I don’t like it, can I stop using a passkey to log in?

If at any time you decide you don’t want to use a passkey, you can go back to the same place and click “Delete”. You will be asked to confirm your password first. We can also remove it for you - just get in touch with us and we’ll do that for you. Please note though, we can’t set up a passkey for you, as it is completely unique to you and whatever device you use.

If you need help setting up a passkey, or with anything on the community, you can find our Help Using This Site guide here.

You can also email or drop me a private message anytime - I’m here to help :blue_heart:

Thank you,