Is there an afterlife? Signs

my cousin saw her deceased father. once at the top of a hill while walking the dog. also in the middle of the night on her way to the bathroom. he was sitting in the chair next to the telephone. I just now remembered. it was the in 90s. he disappeared as quickly.

After my dad passed I would be in bad, just either drifting off to sleep or waking, and I would feel the bed go down as if someone were sitting on it. I didnā€™t feel frightened. Iā€™d like to think it was him. It hasnā€™t happened for ages tho.
Unrelated but every now and again, at around 3-4am, I hear someone ringing the doorbell. It wakes me up but nobody else hears it, no one else is awake. Iā€™ve looked out of the window and no one is there. We have a bell with a camera on it and I can never see anyone on that either. Itā€™s creepy. I dare not go and open it and check.

Iā€™ve heard that before. I wouldnā€™t dare open the door to anyone at that time tho, youā€™re right.
Have you seen a psychic before?

I have heard my door bell ring and have woken up and no one else has heard the door bell.
My husband was still here then so not sure if it was me dreaming. Since he has suddenly died at Christmas I have had no signs.

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Iā€™m sorry to hear youā€™ve had no signs. My mum passed in November and I havenā€™t had anything from her either. We had such a strong bond, and if I was going to get anything from anyone, Iā€™d have given everything to say it would be her. I thought sheā€™d have found a way. Sounds silly doesnā€™t it. My husband thinks Iā€™m nuts, and says thereā€™s no such thing as an afterlife. Believing there is one, is the only way I can cope, and when he loses someone then he might understand it. If I didnā€™t have children of my own then I wouldnā€™t hesitate to go and be with my mum and dad.

So many people say like yourself that believing there is an afterlife is the only way they can cope, I threw myself into believing for the first couple of weeks after my OH passed, probably as a coping mechanism. Since heā€™s gone though Iā€™ve had no signs whatsoever and do wonder if we just convince ourselves thereā€™s something after to try and make sense out of death. I feel like I need to make sense out of death before I can start to heal but what if it really is just senseless, random and cruel?

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after my mother died, the doorbell rang in the middle of the night. It was pouring rain outside. I thought it must have been an intruder ā€¦ but now I wonder if it was her spirit. when I peeked out through the peephole, no one was there. never considered this before it was mentioned here. not sure I believe though ā€¦ still not sure.

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I personally donā€™t feel the need to see a medium. I believe if your loved one can communicate via a medium then they can communicate directly to their loved one. Whatā€™s the difference? Aside from I do think you have to believe otherwise what is the point? I would rather trust my own loved one giving me a sign than any 3rd party. We are all individual at the end of the day so itā€™s personal choice. There is and never will be logical proof of an afterlife so seeking it just doesnā€™t make sense to me . Whether people believe or not, the one fact is our love and their love never dies because it lives on in every beat of our hearts. For me personally that and gratitude that Jim came into my life and stayed until the end of his is all I need to know


Someone who sue and myself knew offered to contact her mum and dad with an oujia board .we both showed them door and said dont ever bother to contact us again under any circumstances .


Well said sarlyn

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Iā€™m glad you have had signs from your lovely husband and pray I get sone soon. I think that is where my doubts have come from , he was like my shadow ( annoyingly at times :see_no_evil:) so I cannot understand why he isnā€™t sending me anything now , there is no way he would stay away if he could ?? :sleepy::sleepy: x


@PollyjaneW Iā€™ve said that also if there was any way my husband could come through or show me a sign he would. Iā€™ve not had anything. Thatā€™s what makes me sceptical.x



Exactly the same . Iā€™ve always wanted to or thought I possibly did believe but not now as I know for a fact if Bry had a choice he would . Just like Iā€™m angry with him for leaving me so suddenly, I know if he had a choice not in a million years would he :sleepy::sleepy: xxx


that is a logical answer I never have thought of ā€¦

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I say the same thing. I know with all my heart my OH would give us a sign if he could. He worried sick about me and his family when he was alive. After his dad died he would always say to me it would break his heart if anything happened to him and I sat around pining for him the way his mam did for his dad. Guess what? I am. He knew how desperate his mam was for a sign off his dad and how much comfort it would have brought her to get one but in the five years his dads gone sheā€™s had nothing. Itā€™s been six weeks since my OH passed and nothing off him either :broken_heart:

It really annoys me when people get annoyed with me because I donā€™t believe despite them telling me things that supposedly happened to them. At the end of the day we canā€™t just blindly believe other people when we havenā€™t had anything ourselves. People believe all kinds of different things, there are loads of people out there who believe they were abducted by aliens and examined by them, do we believe that just because other people say it happened to them? I certainly donā€™t.
Who knows, maybe they are making it up, maybe their minds are playing tricks or maybe they were genuinely abducted by aliens :alien:
Who knows? Lol.

I do think perhaps God and the afterlife are just something people made up all them years ago to try and keep us from doing bad things.

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I was thinking today when watching the news of Freddie Mercury passing if any of his family got any signs from him.


Lol, who knows :rofl:
That tickled me, I canā€™t say Iā€™ve ever wondered about anyone famous going to the afterlife.

To be honest out of all the people Iā€™ve ever known to die the only one Iā€™ve ever wondered if Iā€™ll see again is my partner. When my mam died I canā€™t say I even thought about life after death.
His loss is the worst loss I have ever and will ever experience in my life. Itā€™s the only one I canā€™t see myself ever getting over. I donā€™t want to be here without him. I feel like Iā€™m dead inside. Is that why I suddenly became so obsessed with life after death? :broken_heart:


Hi @LostLil I really want to believe that there is something but thinking logically I just canā€™t see it. Weā€™re born, we live, we die and thatā€™s it. Or should I be more open minded?x


Possibly. I think because we hope we will be with them again one day .

I just donā€™t want to go on without mine . Iā€™m sure we can get to a point where we ā€˜manageā€™ but in truth I just donā€™t want to.

I was reading about broken heart syndrome yesterday and Iā€™m that broken Iā€™m hoping it takes me so out of this hellish situation :sleepy::sleepy: xx


Everyone who has ever lost someone they love desperately wants to believe there is something more but just because we are desperate to believe it doesnā€™t mean itā€™s true :broken_heart:

I think everything we are is down to our brain. I wish I could believe we have a soul I really do.

They say in the afterlife (Matt Fraser) we can smoke, drink and wear clothes and go fishing etc. Does that mean there are factories and shops? Do we have to go to work there? Ate there trucks to deliver the wine, fags and clothes to the shops? So many questions Iā€™d like to know the answers too :rofl:

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