Is there life after death

Hello Bill

My husband had a stroke and had aspirational pneumonia three times. The last time it turned to sepsis, which is what he died from, five weeks after the stroke. The only medication he was being given, other than what he normally took, was antibiotics but unfortunately they weren’t strong enough.

Dear Cherryanne

I believe that my husband and others will be waiting for me when my time comes and I will greet him with open arms.

Sheila x


Hi cherry Anne
Now you have told me the circumstances of your late partner passing l do understand as I too had pneumonia and asthma.
I was 11years old in the BB (boys brigade) camping in Wales on the first night I was soaked to the skin as it had been raining I slept in wet clothes.
The following day I recalled waking up shivering and having a high temperature.
I was rushed to hospital in Shrewsbury I can recall lying on a bed confused very tired and weak and then gone.
I woke up in a hospital bed 3 days later with a oxygen tent around me my parents were beside me to say I was lucky to be alive.
The only thing I saw was a light when unconscious but it lasted like a blink of a eye but bearing that I was out for 3 days seems impossible.
So this is the question is there life after death the answer I can is maybe as other people experience the same visions .

Hi bill ,
No I don’t live with my dad. I’m 35. Dad had to work full time so I was mams carer xx

Hi Emmab
I suppose gone to work today but I had a few drinks last night with my sister and her partner.
Today I feeling the side affects of mixing beer with spirit.
I don’t drink that often but like you some days I feel a bit down so it seemed like a good idea.
Most nights I sit in with a bar of chocolate and a cup of tea.
It’s funny how chocolate relaxes me.
I do work at present 7 days a week as the company is extremely busy and a shortage of skilled labour ie Toolmakers.
I bet you too enjoy a bar of chocolate.
Love Billy xx

Exactly the same thing happened with my husband just before he died
He was totally unconscious but had his eyes wide open staring at the ceiling spotlights. He reached out with his arm up into the air. I went home to collect something a few minutes later and he passed away.
So strange that the same thing happened in your case. I am not a great believer but I do wonder if someone came to collect my husband.

Hi Angiejo
My partner never did this as I was holding her hand as she passed away but as she was in a lying position she raised her self up but I put this down struggling to get air back into her lungs.
The outcome was too upsetting.
There maybe hope for us all if they saw something else

Hi Angiejo - your experience with your husband sounds so similar to mine. It was almost surreal watching. I’m open-minded but what I saw really made me think then, and now, that someone had come for him, and it seems so much like your husband’s. We’re you alone with him? We were in a hospital side-room and it was just the two of us. I’ve never really thought about whether I was afraid of dying but after seeing this I don’t have any fears of passing over, just whether it will be a painful or peaceful death. Thank you so much for sharing this with me xx

Have a look at and listen to the dear life podcast he did with Christina Rasmussen (you can find her on Twitter). He talks about lots of evidence about what happens after life and he mentions in the podcast about many people putting their arms up - he thinks they are being greeted by people that they know.


Thank you so much for this information - I’ll definitely listen to it. That’s exactly what it looked like to me, that my husband was seeing someone he knew, who had come to take him. There was something about the way he held out his hand - just as if he was about to take another person’s hand.

This is good news let’s hope there is something that cannot be explained as our love ones play a big part of our lives

They certainly do, Bill. At the moment, the only way I can cope is by hoping I will be reunited with my husband. I’ve had a good look at Dr Parisetti’s web site and am just about to order one of his books.

You have to let me know how you get on cherryanne as I have been down to see my dear Pauline today were she is resting.
It’s been 4 months tomorrow as she passed away 5th July seems longer

I will definitely let you know when I’ve read the book. I can understand how 4 months actually seems longer. One thing I’ve found since David passed away is that I completely lose track of time, which I never used to. I find its almost as if time, as I knew it, stopped when he died. David was 8 years older than me, so we knew the likelihood was that he would go before me but I think we both hoped he would have gone later than at 74 years. According to the Government web site the expected lifespan for both of us is 87. I don’t have any close family left - we didn’t have children and I don’t have siblings - my entire family is 3 cousins and David’s sister, so the thought of possibly lasting another 20 years (or longer) without him is very difficult hard for me to take in. Take care, Bill - I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow.

Thanks cherryanne Pauline was 12 years older than me but the gap didn’t matter to me as she was a proud woman who always looked her best and had a fantastic personality and that’s the things I miss the most.
I been trying to find a last message but never found one .but when I was tidying up I found in the dresser a old dairy 1992
She never kept many but reading it brought a tear with a message saying I really do love him . This meant more than a birthday card or Christmas card as it was personal and I knew she meant it

Oh, what a lovely thing to find. And she must have written that straight from her heart and for herself alone. I sometimes think too much emphasis is placed on age - as long as two people are happy together and love each other then that’s all that really matters. Pauline sounds a lovely lady, with a lot of pride in herself. I used to try and look my best for David - he loved that I had my own long nails and always wore nail polish, but I’ve stopped wearing it now - there doesn’t seem any point any more.

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Hi Cherryanne.
No I was not alone. His sister and her husband and my husband’s best friend were there.
My husband used to tell me that after my dad died he had seen him passing from one of my daughters rooms to the other. He swore this happened and that he was wide awake. He also told me that he had felt really at work just before my father died and he thought it was a warning for him to come home… He said he had a terrific headache and felt sick.
Ironically, the day before my husband
passed away I started to feel really ill at the hospice and I was shaking with flu like symptoms and a headache that developed almost instantly. My husband told me to go home and get some rest as I was always there visiting him. It was the very next morning that they telephoned from the hospice to say that my husband’s breathing was bad and he was not likely to survive much longer. I rushed over early in the morning and ironically all my feelings of being ill had vanished. It was almost as though I was being prepared for death exactly the same as my hubby had been with my father.
My husband was never really a religious person but he was definitely trying to touch something or somebody when he reached his arm out at the hospice.

My Pauline was my wardrobe manager and hair dresser she would always like the way I would look if going out.
So I still try to keep up with her standers just in case she is watching.
So cherryanne don’t let you go down hill and try to keep up with your David’s standers and looking in your self will make you feel better xx

I meant to say standard :roll_eyes:

Hi - sorry, I should have explained why I asked if you were on your own. I just wondered if experiences like we had only happened when there was nobody else or just one other with the person who was about to pass away, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. How interesting what your husband said about your dad and how strange that you both felt so ill. I noticed that for the last 2 or 3 days my dad was alive he would open his eyes and stare at a specific point on the ceiling of the room (same place every time), and it looked as if he was able to see something that we couldn’t. I noticed my husband doing this 2 days before he died (again, same place each time) and it made my blood run cold but I told myself it couldn’t be the same thing because he had only just come back to the ward from Intensive Care and was recovering, then the next day he deteriorated again, became unconscious and died the following day. What you describe that your husband did is exactly the same as mine did. I guess we’ll have to wait until it’s our time to go to find out.