I've been trying so hard, but I can't keep going

So sorry for your loss. Nope it isn’t easy and the weekend is upon us once again and no one to share it with. No words really. We all know what you’re experiencing as we’re going through it ourselves. :sun_with_face:


When my husband was in Sue Ryder in Cheltenham I think my husband knew he was going, he said to me Poor Babe he knew I’d be devastated. We talked about his passing as he was so ill and he’d say he wanted to die and I would get upset and would say to him I don’t want to be alone without you. Awful 2 years we had. The last 3 months were dreadful and can’t get things out of my head still and it’s been 5 months and am still crying and lost with him. I’m going to Try U3A sounds a good organisation will let you know how I get on. Weekends are the worst. To much time alone and no one to talk to. Grief is a terrible thing to experience. So sad for everyone that is going through it


Think my husband seen me as the strong one in our relationship as i was quite tough as I had been through a lot in my younger yrs , but I know now he was the strong one and i am just lost without him.
He was the most loving :heart: gentleman anyone could meet and everyone loved him :heart:
Its so unfair that he had to suffer like he did :pensive:. He also said he just wanted to die when he knew that his cancer was terminal after 18 months of fighting it .
What is U3A, thank you, yes I would be interested to know how you get on.
Grief is indeed an awful experience, and nobody knows how awful till they go through it themselves .
Thank goodness, I have a good family , who do their best to support me ,but they cant be there all the time , not like our other halfs were there alll the time .
I have retired now as well, 69, but still a young 69 , we could have had a good 10 yrs or more of enjoying our retirement together, but thats all gone now , and the thought of the lonely life in front of me is horrendous .
Love to you and all of us going through this lonely hell on earth . I never knew what loneliness was until now :confused: :sleepy:. Xo


Funnily enough I’ve just been to a country fair and spoke with someone at the U3A stall…

I will join.

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So will I join. :sun_with_face:

I am so sorry.

I don’t understand why it is the lovely people.

Sending you a big hug.

Love Rose xx

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I am going to go on line and find out a bit more, thank you for sending this info. Xo

Yes , I often think that, and lots of his family and friends said the same. Hopefully they are all in a better place :pray:. Xo


I oh so hope that’s true.
Bless you :heart:

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I feel your pain and understand what you mean. I lost my husband 12th march and now theres just me and my little shihtzu. I had to retire after working as a nurse for many years due to heart problems, and also lost my male shihtzu a month after my husband.
Its so lonely and you just dont know what to do with the day. Evenings are even worse. Can someone tell us what is out there for us? How do we make friends who understand? How do we find things to do, like minded people, new hobbies, help? Where do we start PLEASE!


I’ve joined an art class. Knit and natter group at the library.
Try ramblers who have small walking groups. Day centres sometimes have things you can join.
I’ve asked neighbours for coffee. Try searching on the internet Sport in Mind for local groups .

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As stated above, u3as have a wide range of act of activities, try your local one. I belong to my local branch which has a very wide range of things to do. The current membership fee is £12 per annum (others might vary). It might be worth finding a Bereavement support group. I did after my wife died suddenly in January, because, like you, I was lost. In these groups we are all in the same boat. We don’t have imagine what it’s like, we all know. I wanted some strategy to move forward and not be stuck in limbo. It has helped me, and so has this forum. Good luck, and post here whenever you like, we’re all here to help. x


Hey @Dotclark
It’s really hard to put yourself out there but unfortunately there is only one person who can influence your future and how it will be - and that’s you.
My husband also died on March 12th. Seems like an eternity doesn’t it , and yet I still feel like he’ll walk through the door, back from a work trip that is just a bit longer than usual.
There are lots of activities out there - lots posted on here - local bereavement support groups will help you meet others who do understand, but it’s important to also try other activities which aren’t just focused on your loss.
Think of what you used to enjoy and start there - if something doesn’t fit don’t give up - just keep trying until you find something that fits. It won’t be as good as what you had but we all need to feel part of something in order to start rebuilding our lives.
You can do it - have faith in yourself.
Sending some strength and courage your way. Xxx


ive started going back to church, to meet local people and also now go to knit and natter and parish centre coffee mornings. Its scary going out again, ive struggled with it, felt i was being disloyal. i lost him.in Feb this year 24 weeks which feels like eternity yet no time at all, i want him to walk through the door and make everything ok again. i need to source councelling thats free, as on pension ive no spare cash especially as there are urgent repairs i need to find money for as since hes gone everything is going wrong and fallng apart , including my car ehich as sprung a leak today, car needed as live wherd bys service is not good and have to travel even to get to drs. Everything seems so unfair.


Morning Ronnie well done you for going, i hope you get your car sorted soon. I wish i had learnt to drive.but i think its a bit late now at 59. You can get in touch with cruisethey are free. Xx

its never too late, i didnt learn until i was 42, car is booked in to check thursday, ive to fill expansion tank to full, and check every day and top up so i can drive her to garage. But had another sleepless night with the worry, and not stopped crying since i got up, but had a but of good news, spoke to solicitors and as probate not finalised i can use the estate money to do the house water tank, not use my money, though the money left should be mine later so in a way im still paying but it usnt as stressful knowing that. its like with everything gone wrong in house thats its musding him too and falling to bits like me, when im not strong enough to deal with it, i really dont know how im keeping going i want to curl up and be with him and its only my new frlends from church and knit group that keep me going plus you lot on here that are going through nightmare too. Thank you all sending hugs to you all xxx

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My mum didn’t learn to drive until she was in her sixties. Mind you, she drove miles out of her way to avoid a roundabout :roll_eyes:.
All this financial stuff and worry is a pain in the arse. Like we haven’t got enough to deal with.!
And what is with things suddenly going wrong? I have lost count of how many things have broken or malfunctioned since my husband died. Maybe it always happened and he just fixed them without telling me.
Sometimes it feels as the universe has it in for us.
Hugs xx

I wish i dare Ronnie but with the agrophobia i dont even think they would take me on. Then i could never afford a car. We had no savings, we lived on his pension and my disability benefit. My house is a council house. I am so pleased you have had some good news long may it continue. Like you i am always sat in floods of tears.

Xxx hugs you tc xx