
Collected my charm with my hero’s
Hair in earlier and set Off an uncontrollable crying fit, it’s so beautiful but I was so upset over it too, a little part of him in a heart charm, :pensive: he used to
Love head massages, if only :sob::sob::sob:


Ang5 that looks beautiful. I have a neck tube with a lock of my gorgeous beautiful late wife sues hair intertwined with a lock of my hair and two of sues rings


@Martyn2 that’s so beautiful :sob::sob::sob: I didn’t know these things existed until
Recently, i cut some of his hair while i sat with him in the morgue :pensive::pensive::pensive: I was allowed 30 mins a day and I was there for very single day, I’d of slept there next to
Him had I been allowed, I took a hair cutting and played his favourite song imagine by John Lennon :sob:


Ang5 .we got this of ebay or amazon cant remember which one.only time i take it off is to go to sleep. Imagine john lennon is one of my favourite songs .see if i can remember where i bought it from x

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I only went once to see my husband on my own. I wish I had asked for some of the hair they cut from him as I asked for his hair to be cut how he used to look. I didn’t want to spoil his looks then to be honest I didn’t think of it. I did however take a lock of my dad’s hair and put it in a locket.
I regret I didn’t think to do it for my husband.


@Martyn2 i will have a look cos I’ve still got some hair leftover, it’s just in a little box for now, the entwined hair is a beautiful idea and I’d never thought of that but it’s an idea for the next one, this is all I’ve got belonging to him and a footy top cos his mother didn’t want me to have anything :pensive::pensive::pensive: so this hair is like winning the lottery for me

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@Enorac sometimes we don’t think of these things when we’ve just lost the love of our lives, to be honest I didn’t think about cutting his hair it was one of my friends who said do it, I hadn’t even thought, looking back I wished I’d got his handprint but didn’t think at the time, was so upset sitting with him in the morgue, and I was only allowed 30 mins a day there so didn’t want anyone else in the room with me Taking time away :sob: I’ve only got a footy top which belonged to
Him as his mother said I wasn’t allowed anything, very bitter wicked woman but I’ve told myself they’re just material things and they don’t matter, that’s how I’ve got over that bit, I do wonder what she’s done with all his things though :pensive::pensive::pensive: he loves trainers and I’d bought him a lot over the years and I think I wonder where they are :pensive::pensive:


Aaw sorry to hear what his mother was like

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Hi ang5 i got the mini urn off amazon.i hope you get some closure from it .it gives me a lot of comfort knowing that I carry part of my gorgeous beautiful late wife sue with me x

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@Martyn2 thankyou I will have a look :blush:

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Least I could do

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I wasn’t allowed to visit my fiancé or go and say goodbye his family forbidden it I have a we tiny bit of hair in a locket he tried growing it but decided being bold was Better his daughter wouldn’t allow me any ashes either so couldn’t do ashes to glasses as a friend of mine does this and because I took his engagement ring I was branded a thief how cruel they’ve been all I have is memories some pictures and few things I collected as they took the lot and sold but my life has to go on I did have a tattoo instead as he was a DJ and lived for his music

3 Likes sorry for the way his family behaved towards you xx

@Eveybabes sounds similar to mine, I was also branded a thief over a footy top, which I bought might I add!! His mother rang the police onto me :pensive: I told them she couldn’t have it, was all I had, they were nice about it and just left it at that but then she played the victim saying she wanted him buried in it! She didn’t! Was just so people would think I was terrible! He had many other footy tops, newer than the one I’ve got, which I also bought the others too, so she just wanted what she couldn’t get! She’s been used to everyone obeying her and being scared of her and I wouldn’t, so her narcissistic side came out, can’t control me so played the victim!some People are absolutely vile! I’m amazed she hasn’t rang police for his hair!!! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


That is so disgusting from his mother. My late wife’s sister denise wanted the chain and cross that sue always wore.on the day of sues next step of her journey she wanted to open the coffin and remove the cross and chain.i wasn’t told about it until today .so I can sympathise with you on this

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Thank you not easy but getting their I’m sorry for your loss xx


@Martyn2 i don’t understand some peoples ways of behaviour after a loss, some very selfish people me me me ! I’m on the sick at work and someone commented urr you’ll have no money!! I get company sick pay and ssp unbeknownst to this person!! I snapped back money can’t buy what I want anyway!! And that’s micks back!! What do I want money for now!! Obviously to pay the rent and bills but that’s it! We used to put our money together for whitby, cinemas, food, :pensive::pensive::pensive:


My partners daughter had his things as I knew it would cause more upset but no her and her mother wasn’t satisfied they wanted his engagement ring which I kept they had all his DJ stuff I had no ashes etc just pure greed and never met his parents but made to look like it was all my fault I will never forgive the way they treats me ever he’s still angry because I have seen him in my bedroom doorway frighten my daughter and I was beautiful but very sad probably angry because of everything and he wasn’t ready to go


@Eveybabes people can be so vile! I could never ever be like that, :pensive::pensive: I feel like we’ve been robbed of part of their lives


Sadly times like this seems to cause so much extra grief what happens as well. Each other bereavement we had things that upset us with other people. One thing I learnt was not to be surprised by it.