Keeping up appearances

It’s days like today, that hit you, Easter a family time, here I am alone, considering calling in my local , but only sit alone in the corner. My comfort lies in the fact Shell is at peace and rest
Take care all x


Oh I am so so sorry I misread your message , just take sml steps and let tears fall, that’s the only way I am able to cope while I wait for I don’t know what.
I am so sorry you are alone in this cruel world. Xx

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Thank you Polly1

She looks at me and I know she’s trying really hard to understand who I am but there are glimmers of recognition even if it’s…oh, I’ve seen you before. She try’s to communicate but can’t get the words out and I’d dearly like a conversation but know it’s hopeless. In many respects I think she’s stronger than me as it seems she just gets on with it and smiles

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You know what Polly there are sometimes when I wish it was all over. Is that cruel, mean, selfish? I go regularly but it just reminds me of what I’ve lost and the relationship is mostly one sided. I’ve more or less got used to being alone now. I hate it but I know I need to accept it. So Bridget dying would change my life little apart from the loving loyal need to visit.

I can’t remember what it’s like to have someone around at home as a couple. The normal day to day activity of being together. When Bridget was here at the end she was so agitated and anxious and it was a struggle to get through the day. I forget that and just remember the good times and the simple cuddling of the settee, the physical presence of someone, the largeness of someone taking up space, someone doing other stuff that now gets left.

God bless


I really feel for you, the only way my husband knew I meant something to him was by a kiss …so heart breaking and yet I would just love to have a kiss
Oh how do we go on.
I hear what you are saying ,it must be so hard to visit I wish I could give you some advice from my experience but it was so quick. X

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I hope you are okay, another day got through although lots of tears.
Try to be strong it must be so hard for you, I just can’t imagine what you are going through. X

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Hi, I am fine, having a hypertension crisis, Wednesday is the 2nd anniversary, of Shells passing.