Lighting a Christmas Eve Candle.

Blue1 I totally get your comment of work helping you get through. I started a new role with my employers 6 weeks after Dave died. It helped me enormously as I had something new to learn and it made me think of something other than what I was going through. I’m lucky I work part time at 16 hours a week, well I’m supposed to work 16 hours but during this year I’m working longer but that’s my choice, I’m not asked to work extra but as I work with elderly people it’s been a challenging year. It’s 17 months since Dave passed away and I’m lucky that our son still lives at home but he has his own grief to deal with so I always try to put a brave front on for him but the tears fall when I’m on my own. I like to read others posts on here as I can resonate with so many of you. None of my friends are in my position as I’m a younger widow, so as much as they try to understand I’ve realised that until this happens to you then you have no real comprehension of what it’s like. Take care everyone and always be kind to yourself.


Fifibella I too changed job role within the company I work for and never looked back. I stepped down from a supervisory role and I don’t miss it. I work 30 hours over 4 days and get 2 of my days off together which I need as I’m knackered by then. My son is moving back home soon. Nothing permanent but am over the moon as I always feel happier when he’s around💙

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Blue1 my son was planning on going to New Zealand this year. He got his work and travel visa authorised at the end of February! Unfortunately Covid put paid to those plans, he wanted to take 6-12 months unpaid leave. I’m hoping that when we manage to return to some normality he can reapply for his visa and go explore. He has never left home and I think it will do him good to explore and try new things experiences. Hope all goes well with your son moving back home.


Fifibella fingers crossed for your son. I’m hoping mine doesn’t get too comfortable. He has the chance to go to London to do a course in music production paid for by a family member. He has somewhere to stay and it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. He lacks a little self belief but I hope my new found drive and determination will rub off on him. We just want the best for our kids💙