Loneliness makes grief turn to anger

@Mike75 and others. Maybe any who want to could arrange a zoom chat - well, anyone with the knowledge of how to do it, which sadly isn’t me. I attend things on zoom just by clicking on the link. That’s the easy bit.

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A long way from me and i hate driving lately the roads a crazy nowadays…but yes it would be so good to connect human to human as i like to put it xx…

Your story cuts into me …i was so frightened waiting for nurses and ambulance by the time ambulance arrived Darren was already gone …the horror of watching his final moments…myself and my eldest son were there not expecting this tragic turn of events…though i try hard not to dwell the images replay over and over dont they…his passig was far from peaceful and i remember the pain in his face as he looked to me for one final second and i cried out Darren Darren dont go i love you …it was horrendous absolutely shattering to the very core of my being and still is…i knew he’d gone the ambulance crew were talking on the phone telling me to prepare him for resuscitation and my head was on his lap watching his fingers twitching too scared to look at his face i was…i said its too late hes gone and he wont come back no matter what you do its too late now…but my son begged me to get him ready pulling his lifeless body onto the floor for when they arrived…40 minutes they worked on him whilst i phoned the family to tell them as i knew he’d gone in a way that was final…oh how i miss him i love him so very much…yes i know exactly how you were feeling and do feel all my love dear friend all my love dear one sharing this space in our grief as we are


@Pony & @Mumcon
So sad to read your stories and my heart goes out to you both, and to everyone one here. I do hope and pray that in time, the terrible images will fade and the happier ones of your time together will take over but I understand that will not be easy.
Sending hugs. xxx


Thank you Imsorry you to had to go through this also Bobby had been sitting up in bed watching football that afternoon so although we knew he was dying we didn’t expect it to happen that day
I think in retrospect after 4 months I’m just starting to take stock of everything that went on Take care my thoughts are with you x

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Thank you@Karen

I have zoom I could set it up but not sure how to let people know in this group

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So sorry :cry: Try and remember how you both gave each other love by you talking to him and him telling you that he loves you to through his eyes when he couldn’t speak.

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@Star64 Argh! I knew there was something else I wanted to get @ObeSnug to do with me when she was here today. Teach me how to set up meetings and post the link.
Maybe I should just try anyway unless I can get her to look on here.