I’m sure everyone must feel this but I’m so incredibly lonely my heart is broken. I try and plan each day but it doesn’t always work…any ideas…
I miss my husband and his love so much it awful had a bad day , my eyes are so swollen and red
I would say just take each hour at a time nothing is that important in the end and do whatever you feel like doing, just take care of yourself at such a vulnerable time love and hugs xx
Thankyou both…I am so heartbroken, lonely and lost…its awful.isnt it
Yes and I never saw it coming it was a complete rollercoaster over eight weeks aggressive abdominal cancer from both going to work planning our retirement at Xmas to losing him and tragically now I’m on my own my two sons and grandson have been great but it’s such a monumental loss to me I know I’ll never be the same again and I miss our old life and hate my new normal but am just getting up every day to plod along I’m taking a rain check for Xmas just can’t rally myself and see what happens thinking if everyone at such a difficult time xx
I truly feel for you…its so hard isnt it…I’m, like you plodding on each day, but my life will never ever be the same again and I dread getting old, we should have got gold together and looked after each other…now I’m on my own. My children will be here but it’s not the same.
Take care of yourself. X
Thank you I feel so tired all the time and almost not of this world like a zombie sometimes someone will say something to me and I don’t understand or don’t have the capacity to take it in I just take each day now and you’re right how could this have happened, all our plans of retirement just swiped away in an instance and to see him suffer so has taken its toll I feel like I’ve aged ten years but I’m managing to sort it into some sense and feeling more at peace with myself, i haven’t become angry yet which worries me just desperately sad, looking after my grandson gives me comfort and my husband told me before he died look to our sons and grandson, I think Xmas will be hard, we’re lucky to have our families around us sending love and hugs xx
I agree. Each day really hard even if seeing other people. I’m an only child we had no kids, Ken was only child parents dead, feel bereft in a world of family. If there’s anyone out there in a simar boat please let me know
I can do practical stuff, but emotional stuff and things my husband used to do are so hard and then there’s the loneliness and the realization that I won’t see my husband again…
I totally understand what your saying…its unbelievable isnt it and awful seeing someone you love suffer, like you I feel I’ve aged so much, my situation was different my husband just became tired and weak, when we got the prognosis he only lived for 5 days, completely shocked, unbelievable.
I’ve only been angry once and that was towards God for not answering my prayers…
I see my grandchildren usually once a week …
My husband told me to laugh, smile, live life, be happy, travel…I will try but it’s not gonna be easy…
Yes lucky to have family and I have some great supportive friends.
Take care of yourself…sending hugs to you to…xx
That must be so hard, I’m an only child but I have my children my grandchildren my husbands family and friends I’m very lucky but…knowone can take my husbands place and fill that gaping hole.
Do you have hobbies or clubs you could join to makeore friends. Take care of yourself. X
Yes, I do have hobbies and work, but still obviously miss him.
Thanks for your post
Off course you do, for me its trying to keep busy, I have retired . I try not get out for a walk or something every day.
Yes that’s important I was a lot younger than my husband but have health problems. Very prone to fretting about the future at the moment
Thanks for reply.
Good idea to go for walk whatever time even in winter
Hard I know, getting out in the fresh air and out of the gir walls really does help. I thought we would grow old together and look after each other
Scared now about growing old and possibly in ill health, Im 64. THink that’s normal for most people in our awful situation to be honest… Take care of yourself
Hard day today received a Xmas card just to me, life is so cruel, the Xmas tree went up courtesy of my son and grandson, I couldn’t face it suddenly hit home that I’m on my own without my husband for Xmas so many reminders of him in the decorations, so much loss, massive wave of grief, it’s heartbreaking all over again and I’ve still got the rest of December to get through, hugs to everyone at such a sentimental time hopefully we get through the Xmas season together xx
Oh…that’s so hard, my daughter is coming on the 16th to help me, know it will be emotional,
We will get through it, it will hard and heartbreaking and I’m dreading it, but we will get through it together. X
Yes thank god for our families I couldn’t have got through any of it without my sons, I became a pitiful old soul and am now a shadow of my former self and probably will never get my confidence back but on a positive note I’ve learnt a lot about empathy and compassion and what’s important in life and who my real friends are hugs to everyone xx
You will eventually get more of you back…I feel the same…I’m hoping in time that might change slightly, I will never get back to who I was as that happiness and love that I was given has gone, there will always be heartbreak and sadness in my soul.
Yes you definitely find out who are your true friends
Take care…xx
I’m in a very similar boat. Lost my wonderful husband suddenly and unexpectedly in May. He was an only child. We had no children. My only sibling, a sister, died suddenly in October. I’m 65 now and my husband was 64. Both sets of parents no longer here. Sister didn’t have children either.
Oh you have certainly been through a lot this year haven’t you. I really hope you can get some help and that you have some reassurance and comfort .
If you struggle Sue Ryder do great counselling.
Take care of yourself. X
I so relate to this. I lost my husband unexpectedly in September after 45 years. No parents, no children, just my own bachelor brother, and my brother-in-law and his wife, also no children. My friend is wonderful and I don’t know what I’d do without her. She’s the only one I can talk to (except on here). I too am worried now about growing old, I’m only 62, and we’d only just retired. I just don’t know how to cope with the loneliness.