
Hi I am still around ,still feel the same ,lost and alone,empty inside,missing Judith more each day,I should have told her more how much I loved her,maybe we take our wives for granted sometimes,I have regrets .If I had the chance I would be a better husband.She was my world and I should have told her that more often. Michael x

Michael please donā€™t think like that I am sure bu what you put on here she knew exactly how much you loved her because she obviously loved you as much when we have been with someone for so long just a glance in their eyes is all that was needed donā€™t have regrets about anything you was a lucky man as she was a lucky lovely lady I know was also blessed to have an amazing husband whom I loved more than life itself and I feel blessed we had 40 years married he was 60 when he passed Jan 16th with covid shouldnā€™t have happened I feel robbed we like you had many more plans take care x


Morning my dear friend,I loved Judith more than life itself and I hope she felt the same way.I know we did not tell each other enough and I do wish we had.I could have been a much better husband,if I could go back I would make sure I was.Yes we were robbed of more happy years . My best to you Michael x

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Hi Michael how you doing Iā€™m so pleased Christmas is over just need to get through new year then on 16th Jan will be the first anniversary of Paulā€™s passing it seems all we do is try to keep ourselves together to get over next mountain it doesnā€™t get any easier does it hope you managed Christmas OK canā€™t believe how many cards I got hoping I have a lovely Christmas whatā€™s wrong with people I didnā€™t send any cards and I didnā€™t want any cards how on earth could it be a happy Christmas hope you are OK


So sorry Michael I am also 75 year old married for 53 years together for 57 years lost my husband 4 months ago and I just cant stand living like this alone and numb, cant say its living just trying to go through the motions with such a heavy empty feeling where my heart should be, sorry I cant be of any comfort to you but I wish you well and hope we can soldier on and find a little glimmer of hope from somewhere. X

Xmas was a blur ,it was a non event without my dear Judith,the new year will be horrendous facing it alone.Xmas cards in the bin now.We drift from day to day in misery ,I am not ok but thanks for asking,never will be ok ever again.Judith was my life and my world .I watch tv all day until it is time for bed which is around 6pm for me now just to shut myself away . Much love Michael x

Another unsettled night,even though Iā€™m so tired canā€™t sleep not ready to drag myself out of bed yet,every morning the same dreaded heartache,always have this awful sick feeling and my hearts pounding
I used to have such a busy life now no motivation for anything oh I miss Steve so much

Christine x


Sorry to hear that you not sleeping it is awful we should not have to live alone without our anther half itā€™s not right house is so empty without him our life was good together just all too sudden out no where people say I have to get through this they donā€™t know how hard it is being alone this has been worse year in my life as it has for most on here Iā€™m sure hope we can see our way through this take care all xx

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Oh Christine ,so sorry you are still not sleeping very well.It is bad enough trying to face another day without being so tired as well.I know you miss Steve as much as I miss my darling beautiful Judith,her smile lights me up. Michael x

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Thank you so much for caring. I will try to get through another day. Michael x