
Hi @Boo2
So sorry to here of your loss.
I hope that myself personally do not treat anyone different regarding their losses.
Everyone is grieving heartbroken :broken_heart: crying not eating trying to make sense of their recent loss.
We all have the same feelings no matter what gender we are.
I just want you to know you are not alone and there are lots of people here who will listen and try to help you through this horrible journey we now face alone.
I volunteer with a cancer charity so i know all about grief and families and trying to get through their days :broken_heart: life ahead everything changing :pray:
I know things ahead seem so foreign but do think about next year and try to do just one thing you want or like to do.
Walk music volunteer anything.
Wishing you all the best


Aw … thanks what a lovely message and yeh you got it spot on ! People just don’t care how hard it is and how isolating. Winter, being by yourself , family being unsupportive ! Wow what a world ! A b&b for widows would be a brilliant idea ! To meet up with other people in same position. Thanks for your reply. Gonna try stay calm today ! I wish he was here ! He looked after me so well xx


Course you will feel off balance honey ! Its awful … its like we lost our right arm ! We have really metaphorically. It was a year last weekend i lost my husband. I still miss him so much. Im ao grateful to this site for supporting me in my grief … i dunno when its gonna get better ? I hope it does ? But xmas just makes it flipping worse to remind me of all that love i have lost xx

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I agree with you all the hype about Christmas doesn’t help and only highlight what we have lost and makes us miss them even more . I met one lady who lost her husband 15 years ago and she said it doesn’t get easier and still finds it strange ring on her own I suppose we learn to live with it at some point . I miss him terribly and missed him whilst he was still here thanks to the horrible disease Dementia . O am glad we have sites like this also to support each other on our journeys .


I do believe time is a great healer ! When i think of last year and how i was ! I was bordering on hysteria tbh … i just didnt know what to do with myself ! A year on its painful but not as painful so i suppose that’s progress. I want to meet someone else … i don’t want to be alone for rest of my life ! I couldnt bear it … its a lonely old world living by yourself ! Its totally crap tbh xxx


I am glad it’s got a little easier for you and I can understand you wanting to meet someone else as it isn’t fun thinking of being alone for the rest of your life and no one to share things with . I am not sure if I want that myself as it’s early days .


Too early for you ! It didnt even occur to me either. I am a year into this … but its stiill hard for me. Im gonna try stay calm today. You will find your path but its a rocky road with many ups and downs. And i still miss my husband - i just know i cant bring him back :frowning: Take care xx


It is early days not sure what’s ahead but thanks for the support and I am always here if you need to vent yourself


Thank you honey … bit better today … xxx

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Cheeky .i lost my gorgeous beautiful late wife sue who was and still is the best thing in my life on the 1st February this year.we had 22 wonderful years together and I would do it all over again with sue x

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Whats cheeky … i miss him so much and i wish i could do it all again with him obviously ! Didnt even want him to go … but we evolve our life dont we but God knows ? Nobody knows what lies ahead for us …

Did you read @Vancouver post other day … it was so lovely and a message of hope i think for us all …

I dont get what’s cheeky either we are just trying to support each other .


Cheeky is the user name of the person who started this thread lol


Oh right … yeh … lol xx

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Doh ! You made me laugh so that’s worth something. Hope you are coping as well as circumstances allow,all the best for the next day. x


I didn’t know either oh well blame it on the brain fog or something :sunglasses:


Well tbf it wasnt very clear … i wouldve put @Cheeky in front so it was clear ! Lol … even @kwears2001 thought that too … x

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And yeh … i be glad when its over ! What an awful time of year for us all it is ;( i mean what have we got to celebrate ? That we havent got a husband or wife anymore !!! :frowning:


Hi Everyone
Yes i agree will be glad when Christmas is over. I am going to hibernate stay indoors hide under covers stay home alone watch tv eat and remember happy times when we were together :heart: last year.
Whatever Everyone is doing this festive period please look after yourselves and each other.
Sending Hugs
Lynne Xx