
@Deb5 - thank you, thank you xx

Hi Lynne
Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going through all of this. You have had one blow after another. But I think your strength of character will get you through and I admire your plans to travel in the new year. Apart from taking a gift to my brother and his dog I will also be hibernating from now on. My brother is going to my other brothers tomorrow but I canā€™t face it. All these years I have wrapped up all the packets of treats and toys for the fur baby then put them all in a box and wrapped it up so that she could have the excitement of opening them. My husband just used to shake his head and laugh!
Take care xx


Hi @Mist2
You too have a nice relaxing hibernation.
It will all be over before we know it.
Dont know about your weather today in Edinburgh gale winds and rain was going out to garden to plant more tulips but change of plan watching tv instead
Take care
Lynne Xx

Oh bless you @Galaxy75 that is so mean of your daughter but my eldest was same ! She is 38 ā€¦ she been so cold and unkind ! Seen her once in a year !! What is wrong with this generation ? They dont seem to have any compassion ! Luckily my middle daughter is better and more caring but jeez just makes you miss our husband or wife more doesnt it and all the love they brought to us ! Youre really strong @Galaxy75 you really are bless you x

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Hi @Deb5
Guess we have to be strong dont we
Have another younger daughter in Australia who is 44 who calls weekly well no 2 children are the same.
Hoping to visit in 2024 something to look forward to after such a horrible 7 months.
Lynne :heart:

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Hi Lynne
The weather here is the same. Gale force winds, dark and depressing. The kind of weather where we always enjoyed being at home, snug and comfortable. I wonder nowadays how many things in life I took for granted.
Just hope thereā€™s something on TV that appeals to me. Most of the time my mind drifts off anyway so donā€™t suppose itā€™ll really matter. I just like the noise.
Take care xx

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Sososad thanks for your reply itā€™s helpful when someone can understand what I am going through I know there are many other people who are going through the same thing as me but the difference is I have no friends or family to help me with the grief and loneliness I am also suffering with anxiety and I think people are wary of me because of my attempt to end my life I am now under the mental health team and they visit me every day I still donā€™t know how to cope without my partner but I am coping a bit better because of people like you who are showing me that people do care and thanks for your hugs same back to you take care

Oh yeh that be so lovely !! Where in australia ? My granddad went on the Ā£10 pom scheme back in the 60ā€™s. Visited him in australia when i was 21 ā€¦ such a lovely kind man too - i loved him :slight_smile: xx

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Hi @Deb5
My daughter and her husband and 2 grandchildren aged 13 and 11 stay in Sydney.
My husband and myself were their last year so special memories of Christmas 2022 this year i will spend alone but remember the good times last year before he died.
Maybe in 2024 i will be able to travel back but it will be hard.
Life goes on and my love for him will never fade only wish he was still here with me.
Lynne X x