Losing my Dad/father figure

So your Mum writes from Mum and Dad still ? . I like that. Mum may be ok doing that . How is your mum . My Mum is heartbroken … married 50 years :heart::white_heart:
I have to take my son to the fun fair today , dreading it but i have to take him . Hope your day is ok as can be today x


@Laura8 She did on my Birthday but it wasn’t long after Dad died. One of my brothers actually shares his Birthday with Dad which was the week after his death. We have a few Birthdays in March. My mum’s like your mum, I guess. She’s never been an adult without him. I had to break the news to her that Dad had died (I was on my own at the hospital) she’s doing ok, trying to adapt to this new change as we all are…Look on your trip out as a break from reality at least for a while. I hope your day out is a nice one. Xx


@Cee yes it’s heartbreaking to see her so lonely .
They definitely won’t be forgotten will they . In our hearts forever :broken_heart::white_heart::white_heart::white_heart:


Hi all, it is so lovely to ready your messages and to feel that we’re going through the same and we can support each other through this community. It’s been 8 months my father passed away and it has been the hardest time of my life. Now with his birthday coming up this Sunday I’m feeling quite scared, do you have any suggestions what is good to do one these days? Any activities or do you rather stay in? Thanks so much for your help :pray:t3:

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Lovely to hear from you too. Sorry for your loss, your Dad is clearly very special and it’s still such early days for you.

I’m also very early in at 2 weeks in. I’m happiest when I’m thinking of our happy times together and there are times I can laugh and see positives in how he left us with little suffering and still healthy living his life the way he wanted to doing his favourite things. If you’re similar it might be nice to have a meal with family where you can share happy memories or looking through photos so you can try and stay positive. I think our Dads would hate to think us sad so keep trying to put energy into doing things that keep memories alive.

I wish it just kept getting easier, there are moments where I feel completely overwhelmed with grief and unable to be positive. It’s probably healthy but it’s just so painful and tiring. I’m going to see him in the chapel today and very worried about that.

I hope you manage to have a nice day- sending you lots of love, Erin

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Hi ,
I’m 3 months in and not had Dad ‘s birthday yet . I think I would take flowers to the Chapel where he rests and just have some quiet reflection. .’
May even get a card and write to him in there . It’s so very difficult isn’t it xxxx

My Dad passed suddenly and was healthy too …
2 weeks is so raw . It’s raw at 3 months ! Hope you are getting through the days as best you can xx

Hi All
I’ve taken a bit of timeout recently. Aside with my Dad passing away my mom who has Dementia had a fall in her home resulting in an operation for her fractured hip. I feel like at the moment I’m being kicked whilst I’m down. It’s just been over 2 months now since my Dad passed and I’d like to say the pain is easing somewhat but that’s certainly not the case. Had a mini breakdown on Wednesday when I needed to go out for a run to clear my head , sadly that didn’t work and I needed a hug off my 16yr old boy. I felt weak because in my head it should be the other way around. I hope all that have wrote on this page are coping as best they can , for now that’s all I feel I can do. My wife around this time of year gets into the Christmas spirit , and I don’t want to stop that but she knows my head and heart are elsewhere. My Dad loved Christmas as did my mom before her illness. But I fear this year will be different. Take care all x

Sorry you have had more crap to deal with @Foreverawolf . I don’t know if it’s a man thing but you shouldn’t try and be strong . You are grieving and it’s a horrible lonely road . I’m sure your son won’t have minded at all and you are showing him it’s ok to share and show your feelings . I know what you mean though as I didn’t used to cry much and now my son has seen me cry A LOT I try but to but cant help it sometimes . I asked if it bothered him but he knows it’s all for his grandad . It’s important to get it out or it will come out elsewhere .
As for Christmas I don’t know what to say there as I’m dreading it . Just got to go through the motions and get through it .
Sorry to hear about your Mum not being well . It’s still such early days don’t be hard on yourself .
Sending love
Laura xx

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Thank you @Laura8 , I’ve always tried to be the rock of the family. Now I just need that extra shoulder myself. x

You do and they will understand . You are still the rock .

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