Losing my Dad/father figure

@Laura8 me neither - I wish we all lived closer to each other - would be lovely to meet others who relate to how I am feeling


It really would x


@Foreverawolf @Cee @EllieJ how are you all doing ? Be nice to keep in touch with you all xxx


@Laura8 I’m doing ok. Today was an alright day, yesterday wasn’t as I’m sure you know how it goes. How’s things with you? Are you coping ok? Xx


@Laura8 up and down day and now I can’t sleep
Tonight - how are you? People keep trying to talk about Xmas……


I had a hard day yesterday I had to register my Dads death and I was sorting through all the photos to prepare for his service. Planning the service is helping in a way because I get comfort knowing we’re truly celebrating his life and I’m so pleased with some of our plans so far. I’m trying hard to stay in the moment and that keeps me calm but I can’t bare to think about the future. I’m also pregnant with what would be his first grandchild and while that’s a distraction I find it so hard to think about my Dad not being around for that.

I heard from the coroners office and it was a heart attack so likely to have been quick and little pain. That’s all any of us would want, so it does give comfort. He’d had a big stroke a year ago so I was sure it had been another one. He fought so hard to recover so I’m just so glad it wasn’t that.

I’m be been listening to grief cast podcast and I find it helpful listening to how others have coped. It’s got some great stories and a few laughs along the way. It helps me remember this is normal unfortunately and we just have to take it one day at a time.

I hope others have had an okay few days x x x


I ‘m quite down at the moment , last week I perked up a little but it didn’t last . I can’t even think about Christmas . It’s going to be so hard xx


Yes i know exactly , I’m pretty much the same over here x


How will you approach Christmas will you continue traditions you did together? It’s hard to know what’s right. I’m trying to keep things going so I don’t lose out because that’s what he’d want. I think we’re going to go away for Christmas this year just so it’s not too painful reliving memories. It’s hard because our wider family have had big health challenges too and I’ve learned lately that life is precious so you must continue and help make sure they continue to get lovely memories. They’re close to my Dad too so they’ll be hurting too.

I hope you all manage to find a balance and there’s parts of Xmas that help you heal too x x x

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My first Christmas with out my dad, well i didn’t really care what day it was,he passed on the 12th, so it was Christmas cards next to condolence cards, i was sorting out last bits for his funeral which was after in the January


Hi. I’ve had an up and down week. Yesterday it was 7 weeks since I was with my dad taking his last breaths. I find it hard not to get flashbacks to that, and his last few weeks. I know he wouldn’t want me to remember him that way. It’s hard though. I thought I’d look through old text messages to feel closer to him and it just made me sadder :frowning: Like the rest of you, Christmas is going to be very tough this year. Thinking of all of you x


@ANewNormal i do that too - I read his t ext messages and listen to his voicemails which make me either laugh or cry. We have always spent Xmas in Glasgow with my dad but we all feel we need to do something different this year so staying in London. It will be strange. The lasting images of my wee dad taking his last breaths and the realisation that he had gone is as raw today as it was 7 months ago and on my dark days I can’t shake the image.


@Laura8 Grief is like that. 2 steps fwd & 10 back. You’re right about Christmas tho, it’s everywhere & I just feel I’ll be going thru the motions on the day. I dread seeing those cards to my mum with just her name. :cry:


@ANewNormal Those images will stay with you but should lessen as times moves on. It’s over 7 months since my Dad died & in a way, I didn’t want to move past his dying moments because he was still alive if that makes sense. It’s nice you have the text msgs, even if it’s not that great now. X


Yes I’ve had that thought . That will be heartbreaking .
I asked Mum not to send me a birthday or Christmas card because I can’t bear to not see his name with hers . Although she has said that from now on she will put “love from Us “which is comforting but at the moment it’s too soon .
Hope your day is ok as can be today x


Hi all sorry for lateness of my replies , I’ve had a bit of father son time recently. We both definitely needed it. My youngest has had a very bad week with his grief. Missing those Grandad times so deeply. Breaking my heart seeing him like that. I’m just keeping myself busy at work and just quietly having some family time at home. The last several weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions , something we haven’t experienced and we’re all grieving in our own way. Miss my Dad every day , just to have that one final word or a smile would be a blessing. Take care , hope you’re all in someway finding time for yourselves. That’s mighty important. Much love x


I totally feel that too in a weird way. It’s just so rubbish, either way. Still can’t believe he’s gone x


I totally understand that and feel the same :frowning: x


Very very difficult - just no idea when the tears will stop really ! :cry::cry:


Thx @ Laura. Been busy today which distracts from reality. On my Birthday card it still said mum & Dad & I was ok with that. My Birthday came just weeks after he died so I didn’t even want to mark the occasion anyway. Your mum’s suggestion of “love from us” is a really sensitive idea. I like that, it’s like he’s still included. I’m still going to buy a mum & Dad card. He might be gone but he’s not forgotten. I hope you have a good weekend. Xx