Losing my wife, 1 month on

Sarlyn. I feel like I lost myself after loosing my gorgeous beautiful late wife sue almost a year ago.keep expecting sue to ring me with a list of stuff to bring in when we were going to see sue in hospital x


Yes we will itā€™s like weā€™ve joined a club no one wants to be in and neither do we and thereā€™s only so much misery other people can take. I just miss him so much


Yes your right .
I miss my wife so much too


Thatā€™s exactly how Iā€™ve been just saying things to people about being cruel to animals, litter etc just donā€™t care.


@TearyWidow ,hi , so sorry for your loss , this site Iā€™m sure will help you , it has been a lifeline for me , the past two years . Itā€™s like a comfort blanket , knowing people understand how hard this trying to live without our partners is . I have just had a big rant at the TV . Flicking through the channels , nothing to watch ,just to ease my mind for a short time , then Elaine Page singing memory came on and totally floored me. Especially the line " I remember the time I knew what happiness was " Iā€™m sure we all remember that time . ā€¦ I think we have not only lost our partners ,we have also lost the best part of ourselves. Xtake carex


Thatā€™s a lovely thing to do, i hope it brought you at least a little peace.

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Hello, Iā€™m sorry about your husband. My lovely husband died in September. Weekends are really tough. I used to love us planning what sort of nice meal we would have and what movie to watch with the kids after being at work and school all week. I go through all the daily routine that needs to be done but nothing is fun or happy itā€™s just getting it done.


You are so right. I think we are functioning, but not necessarily living.


Yes itā€™s half of us gone. Our future,our dreams, our peace of mind, our shared history who understands the stupid things me and my husband used to say to each other, how to even be.


@TruckerDave Today I am in a cottage, in our favourite place because tomorrow I will scatter his ashes in what will be one year from his sudden death. Iā€™ve told him all about it but heā€™s here with me, I also keep a diary and write everything I want to say to him in it. Itā€™s been good as it also helps me, get things out but also good to look back and see how far Iā€™ve come.

Today I really want to share this with him but I wouldnā€™t be here if he was alive. Ironic that all the things I want to tell him are things I wouldnā€™t be doing if he was here. We would be enjoying the life we shared, the life I miss terribly.

I still read our messages as I can remember what we were doing at those times and i really feel him and his feelings when I read them.

I am at a stage where I do feel him around and know heā€™s with me. Oh I still question it some days but I have moments where I really sense his presence.

Today I have that intense feeling of loss again and I miss him very much. My love for him has never left and is as strong today as always.

I hope one day you and everyone thatā€™s responded to your post, gets to a level of calm where life is easier, as mine is now, most of the time. I know, most donā€™t think that will ever happen , thatā€™s grief, itā€™s grips you tight at the beginning and no one feels hope.

That pure devastation will wain. Just put one foot in front of the other and walk through it one day at a time. Going back to work was a good shift for me but many waves have knocked me down and I guess always will.


Thinking of you, as I know how hard this will be for you to do x


Thank you @Sarlyn xx

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Thank you sarlyn


Thank you itā€™s a comfort weā€™re not alone


I think you are grieving the loss of the person you were with him, and to him, and also grieving the life that would have been if he were still here. It is a profound change and one nobody is ready for. Take care x


Hi Dave i feel all of the same emotions having lost my wife on the 18th of November. I retired early to look after her and iam now trying to getva job. My thoughtā€™s are with you


Martin mate sorry to hear that.
Hope you manage to find something, its hard enough going through what were going through. Good luck thoughtā€™s are with you


So sorry for your loss I think personally youā€™ve gone back to work too soon but Iā€™ve known a lot of people do this to take mind off things I lost my beloved suddenly last July he was only 51 months itā€™s knowing youā€™ll never see them again great f is love with no place to go in ale each day at a time talk to someone family friends I wasnā€™t allowed to attend his funeral etc but had something special made take time for yourself


Oh my gosh you have just written my feelings exactly. I lost my hubby 18/12/23.


So sorry for your loss. I lost my lovely husband just over twelve months ago and do all the things you are doing. I talk to him all the time, go to all the places we used to go as I find it help to think of all the good happy times together. Losing your partner in life changes your life totally I think. I went back work quite quick and surrounded myself with all the lovely supportive people I work with, itā€™s the going home I dread. Take care , stay strong.