Losing my wife

I lost my wife and love of my life, Ann, last month. Ann’s funeral is tomorrow and I don’t know how i am going to be able to cope.
I have been on a roller coaster today. Emotions everywhere. I just feel like crying most of the time.
A month has gone by since Ann passed and it still seems like yesterday. I keep expecting to walk into the living room and see Ann on the sofa waiting for me to sit with her and hold her hand.
I have lost my wife, mother to our 2 grown up sons, my rock, my everything and dont know what to do.


I’m so very sorry.

I think most partners dread the funeral. I know I did.
I took a diazepam about an hour before the funeral and that helped me get through it. I know that is not the answer for everyone.

Feel free to cry, everyone will understand.

Your feelings will be recognised by so many on here, including me.

My husband died suddenly and unexpectedly 10 weeks ago.

All I can say is that you will have up and downs.

You are probably still in shock,

Take it slowly, minute by minute, hour by hour if needed.

Try to eat and drink fluids.

Feel free to express yourself on here. We understand.

Sending you a big hug


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Hi Rose,

Thank you so much for your very kind words.

I am so sorry for your loss too.

Ann’s passing is still very raw and seems unreal. I miss her so very much.

How are you coping?

Thank you again for taking the time to reply when it must also be a difficult time for you.

Warm Wishes


Hello Jamie,

it does feel unreal, doesn’t it?

It’s such a massive and unbelievable loss.

I still can’t believe it.

Like you, it’s a rollercoaster.

You and your family will be in my thoughts tomorrow.

Sending you warm wishes as well,


Thank you again Rose,

You will be in my thoughts too.

It feels good to talk and your kind words have been a big help.

Warm Wishes


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Anytime Jamie.

Sorry you are in this club nobody wants to be in mate…good luck for tomorrow. This site has been my lifeline…use it :muscle::love_you_gesture:

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Hi, thank you so much for your reply and kind words.

I am beginning to see these messages could be a lifeline.

Thank you again.

Warm Wishes



Thinking of you and your family.


Hi Rose,

Thank you so much, your words of support mean so much at what is a very difficult time for us both.

Warmest Wishes


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So sorry for your loss it’s been five and a half months since he passed of brain cancer message anytime if you need a chat x

Hi Debbie, I am also sorry for your loss.

Thank you for the offer a chat which is more than welcome.

I am struggling to make sense of the how and why, and could I have done anything more to make sue Ann was still here with me.

I have a terrible guilty feeling that somehow Ann should be here and I should have had the illness. Life seems so hard and unfair.

Sorry to unload this on you when you are no doubt grieving too.

Warmest Wishes


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I think so many of us have felt this.

I question whether I should have been more insistent about many things that could have made a difference.

There are so many emotions associated with loss.

Remember you are amongst people who understand,


Hi Rose,

You are very kind.

It does add a kind of reassurance knowing that people with similar experiences are only a message away.

It does help simply by venting my feelings of anger, guilt, loss, sadness and pretty much every other possible emotion.

Thank you.

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Hi Jamie
I will be thonking of you today and hope everything goes well.
I was dreading my husbands funeral and cried all the way through but it turned out to be a lovely day, with so many people there showing love and respect.
Cry if you want, everybody will understand.
This is an awful journey wr are on but all of us here understand because we are all suffering.
I lost my husband 12 weeks ago but it feels like yesterday.
You vent all your emotions here, nobody will mind, but we will listen
Sending you hugs

Hi Jamie,

just to say take care.

Thinking of you and your family.

It may well still feel strange and surreal.

Remember people who understand are here for you.

Sending best wishes,


Hi Liro, thank you for your kindness.

I am so sorry to also hear of your loss.

Ann’s funeral was yesterday and it was such a beautiful service. The songs, hymns, sideshow and Eulogy were delivered so well by our vicar.
Myself and my 2 sons, my rocks, did shed a few tears, but also a few smiles as we remembered the good times too.

I know Ann has gone but I hope and pray that she is still here with me in spirit.

If you wish to chat anytime I think we could help each other.

Everyone here has been so lovely and kind and it is helping me through some dark times and very dark thoughts.

Warmest Wishes



Hi Rose, you are extremely kind, and all your words, and those of others on here are bringing comfort and support.

Thank you

Warmest Wishes



Oh Jamie I’m so sorry I missed the right day.
I’m glad it turned out well for you. It will help as you go forward to have good memories of the day.
I guess I know how you’re feeling today. What now? How do I go forward,? Thats quite normal. I felt as if I was starting all over again.
Now 6 weeks on I am still struggling but there have been some good days so I hope I’m turning a corner.
We on this forum are all here for you so keep posting. It has certainly helped me.

Big hugs and love to you and your family


Hi Liz,

You are 100% right. Up until yesterday I was busy calling people, making arrangements for the funeral and so on.

Today I have nothing to do, nobody that i need to call, no arrangements to follow up on.

There is just a void and emptiness where Ann should be.