Loss is all encompassing, but who really cares.

I agree it’s not an easy decision to make, but I think we’re going through enough without all the added drama that our kids can and will make, two daughters, I have no contact with at all, the other daughter is mine and Martin’s, she will text occasionally and call down even less, so instead of me being clingy as I normally would be with her, I’m learning, or trying to learn, how not to react or feel uncomfortable about very little contact with her, apart from that, she doesn’t want me in her life or her daughter’s so it should be easy? It’s not, but it’s some kind of connection with her still :mending_heart:


Have you thought of getting a cat, they are great company and don’t need walking.


Families you can chose your friends not you family. Look at what Captain Tom Moore daughter has done.what has she done for his memory.All for greed ,taking money from people who gave their money in good faith for the charities he wanted to support


Allergic to cats. My daughter has three and when we used to visit her before she blanked us, I would come away with my eyes puffy and watery


Oh i remember you telling us about that ! You were so worried about him and i think we told you to contact the police ! Im so sorry it has back fired on you. You were only concerned about him !! Indeed look after yourself. What is wrong with these kids these days ? Theyre so heartless ! I have trouble with mine too.:frowning: although my middle daughter and granddaughter are coming away with me in November. Take really good care of yourself and keep talking to us on here wont you xxxx


I just posted a similar message.

My parents are both deceased so i cant talk to them

My sister and i have never been close so i cant talk to her. I hsve no kids. My friends are involved in their own lives

My husband was an only child amd both his parents are decessed

Basically it was just him and i that we could rely on.

It sucks to be a widow in many ways
You certainly didnt choose it. The sad part is that we take everything for granted until your spouse isnt there anymore


Yes sadly the one person you could share your life as gone x 2 of my husbands friends still keep in touch but you just want them back so much x Take care


Hope you’re ok Starlight 1975, well as much as you can be? It isn’t easy that’s for sure. Take care.

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Thank you and take care too x


I totally understand that - my best friend of 20 years passed away suddenly in an accident on holiday 6 years ago and I think it’s just hitting me that I’m never gonna see her again - but yes as you say we used to go out and organise things for everyone and gradually people disappear or can’t make it - my friend was very well off and used to pay for a lot of it and I knew some people were there for the free ride and m


I’ve been leaving the radio quietly on so my house isn’t in solid silence. I’ve been alone for 2 months in the middle of no where. I have to drive 1 1/2 hours to my daughter. So that’s once a week. I panic driving home. I’ve always been happy to be on my own, always had lots to do. But it’s so different now actually being on your own after loosing the love of my life.


Gosh, that is dreadful.
Many families are toxic, as mine are, which is why i have cut all contact.


You are so right @Rhody and @Sososad. I always enjoyed my own company. I would be in one room doing my own thing and my husband would be in another room. Being on your own doing something is not the same as actually being on your own. It is so lonely. I have no contact with my children or their families and have no wish to see them again. It was a very toxic relationship. It is almost a year since my husband passed and I can’t see a point where that lonliness will ease. I go to a few groups and meet up with a new friend every couple of weeks but it doesn’t take away the emptiness I feel inside. Take one day at a time. You will go through a lot of ups and downs. Even now, I still have days when I cry all day


oh Sososad…dont mention driving for i have lost all confidence, in fact some days i dont think i should be driving, and i often drive miles out my way to avoid heavy traffic.


We do … i just miss him sitting here with me , making his tea, chatting away … its really sad isnt it this crap life we now have :frowning: xx


crap…or just different, so we all just have to slightly change stuff to help us get around the crap to walk on a different path. its only been 2 months here for me, but it wil also be the rest of my life without the love of my life. but he would want me to carry on, on my own


Yeh i know , but that different path is so hard isnt it … im trying to navigate mine but its bloody hard … i keep thinking i got it sussed but i havent really … im just winging it half the time ( 10 months on ) i wish people were kinder and would at least try and understand how tough this is for us all x


I feel I am just floating through life day to day a bit robotic like as the saying goes “Just getting on with it” because yes everyone now expects it being a year gone in October for loosing my hubby you are not really entitled to feel as bad after all you have “Gotten passed all the firsts” as they say I just do not get that saying who the hell invented that it really angers me because I feel just as bad about the likes of Christmas etc coming up as I did the bloody first year I too wish others would be kinder however they are not the ones going through it and I often say to myself “Lets see how you will feel” Sometimes life just sucks :frowning: This is very very tough :sob:


I agree Deb5, people just don’t seem to get how the loss of a loved one affects us. I guess sometimes it’s hard for them to know what to say but i find they do avoid talking about. Ask how you are & if you start to say well not great & then why, i just get the, oh they’d want you to carry on, like i don’t know that bit!


Yeh i know. Really helpful isnt it !!! Xxx