Loss of husband

Did he have a stroke then ? So sorry though sounds horrible for you xxx

Yeh i know the feeling! Its the NHS too ! Its in a terrible state !! Xxz

I can totally relate to what youā€™re feeling. My husband got admitted to hospital because he couldnā€™t breathe and three weeks later heā€™d gone having just been diagnosed with lymphoma. Both myself and my daughter were there are the end, it was awful as he was a shadow of his former self. This week has been really hard as the burial is on Friday. We were together for nearly 44 years and I must admit I really donā€™t know how Iā€™m going to carry on, but believe he would not have wanted me to give up. When it happens so quickly itā€™s really hard to come to terms with. So I really understand.


Its so hard. Im 7 weeks in now and I still cant comprehend why, how and why my healthy fittish husband of 56 could of just died - he was diagnosed with brain cancer and died within 3 wks. Just a couple of headaches were the only symptom. Weā€™d been together 40 years.

Its horrendous but life does go on. Its not the life i want but have to keep going. Every day is hard but every day I get through is a triumph in my book. I have 2 grown up kids and we are all struggling but just taking it as it comes. Somedays i feel quite positive. Others i just want to die. My husband would want me to carry on and I will but i donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever be the same person again. I lost me when he died and its finding a new me thats difficult.

So much support and love coming your way.


Thank you.

Yeh i know ā€¦ 11 weeks for me since mt hisband passed :frowning: good days and bad days - we were married 35 years ! So hard without them :frowning: i miss talking to him - been in tears just now to my mum ! I could hear his voice so clearly today xx


We all know how hard it is, like you say good days/bad days, but thank goodness we have found each other to talk about it with because unless you have been threw it you would never understand the living hell that is now our lives. Big heartfelt hug to EVERYBODY xxx