Loss of husband

Hi lovely photo of you both. I hope everything goes as well as it can and how you planned. Thinking of you.x

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Sending a very big hug x


The day went as well as it could. So sunny this morning then rain all through the funeral.

Gone now, never to be seen again. Only through photos, videosā€¦ memories :cry:


It is hard after the funeral isnā€™t it.

Sending a big hug x

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Hi Iā€™m glad it went well. We are all here for you.X

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Completely flat!! X


No words darlinā€™
Just big hugs of love and understanding.
Our losses are all unique but we do understand each other.
Be gentle and kind to yourself poppet

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I dont feel like i grieved properly :confused:
I hate his brotherā€¦ who saw Nick for 1 hour a week before he went into the home.
His cousin and Aunty who he saw 2 years ago.
Im so bitter and angry.
His brother was working the room like it was the Andy show.
I wasnt going to go the wake but Nicks friends persuaded me.
I had one glass of coke and left.

Heartbroken :broken_heart: :disappointed_relieved: and wishing Nick was with me x


My darlinā€™
Itā€™s all so darn hard.
I was the same at the ā€˜wakeā€™/ gathering afterā€¦what ever you want to call it
You will be totally exhausted
Just give yourself timeā€¦ And as I said be gentle with yourself.


Itā€™s such a flat feeling after it all and worse when thereā€™s family problems.They canā€™t take your memories away just remember the good times and donā€™t let nasty people get to you they really are not worth it easier said than done I know I have been there.