Loss of my son 22

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. It i the worst pain imaginable. I am about 8 months in. I have good days and bad still, triggers are definitely a big part. I found one of his jumpers and it still smelt like him. Songs are a big one. I remember in earlier days when I thought there is no way I will get through this and now I see we learn to live with it and it becomes a part of us. Thankyou for sharing you story, my heart goes out to every person on here. This space is a huge reminder you are not alone and restores you faith in human kindness x x


I am also sorry for your loss. Thank you I appreciate your support and, it is definitely hard, but we will make it through.

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Sorry to read about your son. My son was awful at replying and lived 5 minutes away so I went to check on him. I found him passed away on the sofa. He was cold like yours and it still bothers me that I donā€™t know how long before I got there that he went, I only know he was up snd about 1130pm and I went at 2pm. This was 7 weeks ago now and we had his funeral 2 weeks ago. Weā€™re still waiting for a couple of results but the cause is unknown.
Im missing him so much. I used to want to go everywhere but now I donā€™t want to bump in to certain people, I donā€™t want to listen to the radio in the car, shopping feels like a task I want to get away from. He worked full time so I saw him whenever I could, usually every week but he was planning in coming back home. We had a family holiday booked too. He struggled with his epilepsy and that Iā€™d a possible cause. I keep wishing for signs heā€™s here snd wish I could hold him. I donā€™t know why he didnā€™t tell me he felt unwell that day before or I would have checked on him more.
How are you getting through it all? Thoughts are with you x


Iā€™m so sorry for the loss of your daughter. I find your story one of the hardest to read but needed to reach out to you as my own daughter also passed away at home in her bedroom from the same cause as your own. Iā€™m forever replaying everything over and over in my head as to why it had to happen and why wasnā€™t there any of the ā€œnormalā€ signs to say something was wrong. The guilt is eating me alive. I have 3 other children and 1 grandson but for all the joy they bring me I canā€™t help but feel Iā€™m betraying her by smiling, laughing, all the things I used to take for granted. Itā€™s like Groundhog Day in my brain but at the same time so much has changed. I hope this makes sense

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Also like you I have had family and friends walk away. I know their lives have to continue but itā€™s like it never happened. We used to be so close and no we hear nothing from them until it comes to birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries. Which makes my blood boil as I feel they shouldnā€™t get to pick and choose which days they want to support us. I donā€™t expect for them to be at my door day in day out but just a message or phone call to say weā€™re still thinking of you. They are all so quick to post on social media though!

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