Good morning everyone. Reading all these experiences that people have had. For me it definitely tells you that there is something else going on that we can’t explain. I have to admit I was a none believer at first. When people tell you they have seen things or experienced things, I would always be thinking to myself YEAH RITE . what changed my mind. Even though I was married I had a very platonic relationship with another woman. We were best friends. It was very out in the open both our partners were fine about it. Well she was slightly psychic. Often when we met up she would tell me stuff or she would sometimes stop complete strangers in the street and gently say to them. I have a message for you. Then proceeded to tell them. Blah blah blah. Of coarse I took all this with a pinch of salt. I’m a bloke rite!!!. I’m a hgv driver about 25 years ago I had a bad crash on the motorway. It completely shut the motorway for about for hours. When the truck came to a standstill all the cab was smashed up. As all the dust was settling everything became like slow motion. I was quite badly injured. The second the noise stopped my mobile phone rang. It was my woman friend. She never ever rang me while I was at work. I picked up the phone but I struggled to speak as I’d smashed my teeth in so I basically just grunted. It was very strange . She didn’t say good morning, or hi. She said. Don’t worry you will be fine. I’ve had a message from Margret. Then put the phone down. Obviously I got took off to hospital. When I got brought back home I mentioned the phone call to my wife and my mother. My mother said the only Margret we have in the family is your Gran on your father’s side . Long since passed away but when you were a baby you were always her favorite. When I got round to speaking to my lady friend. She said . I was getting the kids ready for school when I got an overwhelming urge to ring you with a message that Margret is watching over you and that you will be ok.
You can make of that what you will. But ever since then I am definitely a believer. The problem is you can tell a mile off when you are talking to a non believer because they will always scoff at stuff they can’t understand. Sometimes it can’t be explained it just is what it is. So for my money I would 100% say our children are still with us in one form or another. As heartbroken as I am, I will always tell myself that he’s around me. Jim.
Ive always believed . Just wish i would dream . The radio and sams lloyds advert with the horse .then the new one and the song giant which we played at his funeral .its all so real .
Hope your feeling better victoria. Much love zoe x
You just dont know what you all mean to me you have been so kind caring and honest i really would not get by without you all .thank you my friends much love zoe
Hi Jim, It was about two years after Christian had died and one night I and woke up and was going downstairs to get a drink of water it was pitch black but the moonlight was coming in from the landing window and as I crossed the landing a black shadow walked straight across in front of me I even stepped back to let it cross, strangely I wasn’t at all frightened just the opposite and later thinking about it I was convinced it was Christian’s shadow which was so comforting
Sorry to hear of your dreadful accident it must have been horrendous ,glad your back on top form…Take care Marina xxx
Hi Zoe,I know what you mean,this sight and the people on it bring so much love and comfort especially when you need it the most.I honestly do not know where any of us would have been without it…Thank you for your lovely post.
With love Marina xxx
Dear all friends here. This morning I heard that one of Jemmas school friends from primary school has a sister with ovarian cancer. Sadly the sister passed away at the weekend. She was a few years older but I think 40 would be about right.
I wanted to contact Jemmas friend to say how sad we were to hear the news. I am not her FB friend but I know Lisa was as this lassie used to make kids clothes and sell on FB.
So I went into Lisa’s FB page (still there btw) to see if I could find this friend. Well I did but I was in tears as there were so many messages to us on Lisa’s FB account, saying what an amazing friend, colleague and what a talented florist she was and how everyone was devastated to hear of her passing.
Friends of hers sending poems of love and friendship and how their lives will change without Lisa in it. I just cried and cried. I was very touched that she was loved by so many though.
Life socks sometimes!
Again we’ve all had to cope with “family time” without someone…
Managed well until yesterday evening…then the tears came…that desperation of separation…. seems such a long time since I had a walk in the sun with Henry.
Sending you all love and hope you’re feeling improved Victoria.
Dear Kate,
How moving for you to see all the messages showing the love for your precious Lisa some people set up face book in their loved ones name so that on anniversaries all those friends can go on and leave messages, sometimes Matt’s friends send me pictures or funny videos and it does take your breath away but it is lovely that our children are remembered by others I’m thinking of you as we are approaching 3 years since we lost our precious children and each day that passes holds memories of this time 3 years ago, Matt was in Makawi sending pictures and loving his adventure, we have so many messages from him as he’d been there 9 weeks, I find I am reading all those messages and it’s still like he may come home its like those 3 years could be 3 weeks, sending you and everyone much love, especially those who are approaching their 1st anniversaries
Michelle xxxx
I am thinking of you too Michelle as the day you lost your precious boy was the day Lisa, Jamie and Brooke flew to Majorca. These dates are stamped into our hearts like we have been branded! I feel so close to you dear girl. I hope sometime we can meet and be true friends, not just virtual.
You will be in my heart and thought these coming weeks.
Take care.
With love Kate xxx
Kate you’re right even now 5 years on, things come to mind and it can take you right back. I try desperately when I get that feeling to step back from the edge of what I call the black hole of grief and try so hard to remember something Sam would say that was funny. My friend Sally her cousin has lost her daughter, and contracted beeast cancer and I said to Sally, she won’t worry about what could happen to her she will worry about her husband left behind, thankfully she is on remission. None of us would worry about ourselves all we would be concerned fur wound be the rest of our family.
Take care all of you
Love Helen
I am thinking of you and I know Matt will be so proud of how far you have come, and yes it’s lovely that their friends think of them and miss them too . I know Jason does (Sam’s best friend). Matt will always be around you looking after you.
Dear Kate,
Thank you for lovely msg this site has been our saviour they way it has brought us together so we can all help each other, we will be friends for life, I very much look forward to meeting up in person to have a much needed hug and a very large glass of wine, take care my friend
Michelle xxxx
Dear Helen,
You are so right, we would feel it was meant to be that we join our precious children but we know how broken those left behind would be without us, I pray your cousin stays in remission for the sake of her family I do everything I can to fill my mind with things to stop me falling into the black hole, thank you for your kind words
Love Michelle xxxx
Dear Michelle, I know that your darling Matt would be so proud of how you have coped. You have your lovely girls too who keep you going. It was such a pleasure to meet you and how lovely it would be to have a big meet up all together! I love the thought that maybe there is a bigger picture and we were meant to all meet somehow and that our children are all together.
Much love to you
Dear Victoria,
Thank you for your kind words, I have so much admiration for you and it was so lovely to meet you too, (friends for life ) it would lovely for us all to meet up, this site and all the lovely people on it are my safe place, I would be lost without it and all of your friendships.
Much love Michelle xxxx
Thinking of all you beautiful people .my daughter jess is 30 today .we had a lovely day we went for afternoon tea . The days been lovely sounds mad but ive sensed sam near . Oh its just so hard arsenal beating Chelsea for sam on jess birthday thinking of you all xx
Zoe sorry it’s hit you hard again, I don’t know what this world is all about any more either, nothing makes sense any longer. I just feel like I am getting worse, can’t cope with the simplest of things anymore. What is normality? I seem to freak out and get anxious about everything now, I am getting so confused with the simplest thing. It might just sound mental but I honestly thought I would have joined my Ray by now, how am I still here, almost a year on. Is it moving forward at all for you in any way Zoe? Purple you said you had a breakdown, that’s how I am feeling, how long was it bad for you? Spoke to my doctor again today, he was very kind but could not really help only offer tablets. I can’t do the mindfulness as I have PTSD when I concentrate on my breathing , every time It triggers overwhelming flashbacks of my boy , him not breathing , turning blue and me trying to do the CPR . I know I should get about and do more , but just think what’s the point. All I can do is wait and hope. xxxX love to all Xx