Dear Helen and all friends, your mother’s attitude is so unfeeling and unkind, It is hard to understand how people can be so thoughtless. I have talked before about how my sister cut contact with me as she disagreed with how we arranged Gemma’s service. Even at the the service and the drinks afterwards she was so nasty and when I tried to give her a hug when she left, she turned her back on me after saying ‘I might see you around one day, but I doubt it’.
I just think now that for some reason she tried to make me feel bad and upset me, but nothing could have made me feel worse on the day I buried my daughter. So she failed big time and I don’t need people like her in my life. I have 3 lovely brothers.
I am certain that I will see Gemma one day. I have no doubt so I just have to bide my time. But meanwhile I have my other 2 children , my husband and grandchildren and they are worth living for. Plus of course wonderful friends xxx
Gemma loved walking through these woods. She loved the outdoors and was never happier than tramping through the countryside with her camera and Elvis the dog.
It took me a long time to be able to return but yesterday we went with Iris, adding to our memories. Our lives are so bitter sweet now
That’s a beautiful photo .xxxxx
I still don’t know how to post a photo on here
Thank you. When you type your post at the end you see a pink symbol with a rectangle and tiny landscape. Click on it and it gives you the ‘photo library’ option. Then you can scroll through and click on the photo(s) you want. I hope that works xx
Thank you xxxx
Oh Sue what gorgeous photos of you and your handsome son. He looks lovely! xxx
Fantastic picture.
Thank you…he was incredibly handsome ( I think!)…funny, kind, generous, caring but not perfect either …just a lovely person to be with. My absolute best friend xxxxxx
Beautiful photos very handsome xx
Such a cutie victoria xxx big hugs xxx
So glad the day went well Michelle….yes Matt’s song was a sign…that a wonderful thing.
Purple x
What a lovely picture
What a lovely photo one that you will treasure.
Love Helen
Thank you Helen it’s one of my favourite photos of me and Andrew but I have hundreds! Whenever we went detecting or walking with his dog I just took lots and lots of photos. At his celebration…after the service at the crematorium…I’d made up 2 4’x4’ photo boards, 1 3’x3’ board and 2 cork boards all of photos of him and me, him and Ash and others. I always laughed with him that not many mothers would have so many photos of their adult son.
Andrew and his dad…my ex husband…and Barry’s 2 little dogs. Taken last summer when we all went detecting together. It was lovely that even though we’ve been divorced for 20 years Barry still came detecting with me and Andrew whenever he got the chance. We were lucky to have these days with Andrew…happy memories but so ,so sad that we won’t ever be with him again
Sue xxxxxx
hi , I read all your heartbreaking posts , and I feel your pain . As a postie a lot of people ask me how I am , I just say I’m ok , then I go back into my van and just burst into tears ,I know I will never be truly happy again, hopefully the pain will ease as it’s only 6 months since my son passed away. Take care everyone, here’s a picture of my son Simon.
Hi pete i wonder how your doing lovely pic …such early days no our life wont ever be the same . But we have to believe our children are in paradise big hugs zoe xx
Oh bluebird1…what a beautiful smile your son Simon has. I’m so grateful for mobile phone cameras as that’s why I have so many lovely photos of Andrew and also videos with his voice. I’m struggling to listen to them just now but to know I can still hear his voice and laugh is something I’ll treasure.
I really feel for you…I have a good cry everytime I drive out in my car. It’s not easy putting on that brave face…is it?
Thank you for sharing your lovely photo.
Love and hugs Sue xxxx